A Plush Seat Facesitting Story by Salty Vixen

I knew the instant I saw him that he was in the mood. It was obvious by the heated expression, the way his eyes travelled across my body, slowly undressing me in his mind. Oh yes, he was in the mood, I thought, as my own eyes noticed how his trousers were bulging from the erection already forming. And I knew just how to please him. After several years together, I had come to read his moods and desires quite accurately. This was no quickie that he was seeking.

No, this was a slow tease. A dance, if you will. I smiled as I began unbuttoning my blouse, slowly, as I dropped my briefcase and coat by the door. By the time I had hit the living room, my blouse was hanging all the way open. Neither of us made any move towards the other. Instead, he leaned back in his seat on the couch, making a deliberate move to get more comfortable right where he was, and telling me with his eyes that he very much enjoying the show.

I turned my back to him and made myself a drink at the bar. As I sipped, I reached behind me to unfasten my skirt and I slowly pushed it and my panties over my hips as I turned around to face him, letting them fall to the floor in a silky puddle. I saw his hand reach down to caress his hard cock through he fabric of his trousers and my breath caught in my chest at the erotic static that coursed through the air between us.

My hand reached up to cup my breasts, massaging the tight nipples and pulling at them, pinching a bit, loving the way the sensation reached all the way into my cunt, flooding it with wetness. I was ready for more. I walked slowly toward him, stopping when I had straddled his knees. He silently reached up to unclasp the front closure of my bra, allowing my full, firm tits to spring free. His hands pushed the straps from my shoulders, his warm hands brushing down my arms then back up the sides of my ribcage to cup my tits in his hands.

I could feel my cunt throbbing now in anticipation as his fingers massaged and kneaded, then finally, his lips closed over my aching nipple, sucking it deeply before moving to the other. I couldn't help it...I moaned, breaking the silence. It was extremely erotic to hear the sounds of my pleasure, having it as the only sound in the room. I could tell he was just as aroused by it as his mouth became more aggressive, biting gently. My cunt was throbbing even harder now. I wanted more...I wanted his hands rubbing my clit, his fingers plunging inside of me, as his lips suckled me.

But I knew what he really wanted; I could see it in his eyes. I pushed him back from me and reached for his belt, pulling it free so I could push his pants and briefs from his hips. I love his cock. It's so perfectly formed, large and slightly curved. It fit me perfectly, stretching me just enough to make me cry out when he would thrust inside of me. I reached out to caress his length, loving the way his eyes closed from the pleasure of being touched. My fingers circled the smooth head, rubbing the ridge that circled it, and I heard his breath catch. I smiled as I removed my hand.

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Happy Naughty New Year, Lover Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

He pulled his shirt off as I pushed him down on the couch. Such an exceptional chest could not be left alone. I trailed my fingertips across the muscles of his abdomen and up over the lightly haired chest, massaging gently as I moved upwards to caress the furry, bearded cheeks of his handsome face. This was a man I very much wanted to please, the love of my life.  I stepped further up towards his head and saw his eyes darken, saw his gaze fix upon my smooth wet cunt as I lifted my one leg up and over him, straddling his cheeks.

Our eyes met briefly, and I saw the excitement in his, heard the sound of pleasure emanating from him as I lowered myself onto his face. His tongue reached out to part the lips of my pussy and slide inside, licking at my clit, making me moan again aloud as he deepened his kiss. I lowered myself a little further, and suddenly, I had the plushest seat in the house.

I loved his soft beard, the way it tickled and tanatlized the delicate sides of my pussy as he licked and sucked at the wetness there. I felt myself tremble at his touch and my hips grinded into him as I came all over his face, my moans mingled with the wet sounds of his lips sucking at the sweet cum dripping from me. His hands grasping my hips, he pulled me harder onto him as he devoured my drenched pussy, licking me until I came a second time, drowning him in my cum.

He pushed me down his body as he sat forward, whispering in my ear how sweet I tasted, then settled me over his thighs as he rammed up inside of me, making me cry out from the delicious stretch. I leaned down to kiss him as I started to ride him, pulling him deeper as my hips rotated and angled forwards. Mmmm, I could taste myself on his lips, smell my own musk in the soft hair of his beard and I rubbed my cheeks against his. The seat I had now was wonderfully satisfying, but it was thoughts of what had come before, of my plush seat upon his handsome face, that had me cumming again, clenching his hard cock in deep rhythmic spasms and making him cum along with me.

His handsome face is the plushest seat in the house, and I have to admit, my favorite place to sit when I really need to relax.