Sexual Averages

You asked for it, so you got it: the norm for just about everything sex-related. How do you stack up?

Average Body Dimensions

Male Female
Height 5’9″ (1.77 meters) 5’3.5″ (1.65 meters)
Weight 172 lbs. 143 lbs.
Chest 37-39″ (98-102 cm.) 35.9″ (91.2 cm.)*
Waist 31-34″ (80-87 cm.) 29″ (72 cm.)
Thigh 21″ (54 cm.) 22-24″ (56-61 cm.)
Hips 36″ (92 cm.) 39″ (100 cm.)
* see Average Bust Size

Average Penis Size Almost 88% of all men fall between 5-7 inches when erect, and when relaxed the majority (again, 90%) fall within 3 to 5 inches.

Recently (well, in 1988) Paul L. Jamison and Paul H. Gebhard subjected the Kinsey data to an intense statistical analysis, ironing out certain anomalies, correcting subject bias and measurement error with various mathematical operations we need not go into here. Their results (shown below) were published in the Journal for Sex Research (vol. 24, pp. 177-183).

Mean Standard Deviation
Flaccid penis length (in.) 3.89 0.73
Erect penis length (in.) 6.21 0.77
Flaccid penis circumference (in.) 3.75 0.65
Erect penis circumference (in.) 4.85 0.71
Erectile increase in length (in.) 2.30 0.71
Erectile increase in circumference (in.) 1.11 0.52

Average Testicle Size 2 inches long, 0.8 inch in breath, and 1.2 inches in diameter (5 x 2 x 3 cm).

Average Vagina Size 3 inches along the posterior wall with a diameter of 0.8 inches, though in stimulated phase it balloons to 3.75-4.1 in long by 2.3-2.5 inches in diameter.

Average Clitoris Length 1 inch, though the part that shows, called the clitoral glans, is 0.20 inches long.

Average Vaginal Acidity 4.0 to 5.0 on the pH scale–fairly acidic.

Average Hymen Thickness 0.05-0.10 inches (0.125-0.25 cm.).

Average Ovary Size 1.5 inches long by 0.75 inches in breadth by 1 inch thick (3.75 x 2 x 2.5 cm.).

Average Bust Size The average bust line for American women is 35.9 inches (91.2 cm). The typical bra size is 34B, with the proportions of women’s cup sizes breaks down to the following: A-15%, B-44%, C-28%, D-10%, while the remaining 3% are AA, AAA, DD and beyond. Interestingly, manufacturers of women’s clothing agree that the average American woman’s bust size has expanded in recent decades, if only by fractions of an inch, due to improved diet and birth control pills.

Average Nipple Size (male) 0.22 inches (5.5 mm).

Average Nipple Size (female) 0.27 inches (6.79 mm).

Average Areola Size (female) 1.4 inches (35.62 mm).

Average Erection Angle 15 degrees above horizontal.

Average Time to Achieve Erection 3-8 seconds.

Average Erection Duration The following is a partial reprint from Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (W. B. Saunders, 1948) by Kinsey et. al.

Age Group Median Duration of Erection in Minutes
Adol.-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71+ 12.00 42.88 54.43 53.09 47.24 40.62 31.07 29.02 21.62 26.67 19.50 7.00 0.00

As you can see, duration peaks for the 21-25 age group, and from there on in is a long, slow slide into oblivion.

Average Ejaculatory Speed 28 miles per hour (45 km/hr). Once it enters the vagina, the sperm takes 5 minutes to cross the 6 inches of territory to the cervix (.0011 mph), namely because they no longer have flight accommodations and must hoof it on foot, so to speak.

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Average Ejaculatory Volume 4 cc. or about one teaspoon, with enormous variation between individuals and times.

Average Ejaculate Calorific Content Between 2 to 5 calories or so.

Average Sperm Length 4 microns.

Average Sperm Concentration 20 million sperm per milliliter.

Average Seminal Alkalinity 7.0 to 8.0 on the pH scale.

Average Seminal Viscosity 0.00935 Pa. s (water, by comparison, has a viscosity of 0.001 Pa. s).

Average Durability of Sperm Sperm typically survive 48 hours within the female body.

Average Number of Sperm 300-500 million sperm are released every ejaculation, and 1.2 trillion sperm are produced during a man’s lifetime.

Average Ovum Size 1/175th of an inch (0.14 mm.), slightly smaller than the period ending this sentence. Interestingly, this is the largest cell in the human body.

Average Duration of Ovum Fertility The female egg will remain fertile for about 24 to 48 hours.

Average Number of Ova 400,000. Unlike men, who continually replenish his supply of sperm, women have a set amount of ova that’s determine at birth. Only 400 are ever released during a woman’s lifetime, and their quality deteriorates over time—ample reason why if you plan on conceiving a child, you’d better do it before age 40.

Average Age of Menarche (Onset of Menstruation) 12.5 years. Interestingly, a study in 1962 showed that this age has decreased by four months every decade since 1830.

Average Menstrual Flow Approximately 50 to 175 cc., or one-quarter to one-half a cup.

Average Menstrual Cycle Duration 28 days.

Average Period Duration 5 days.

Average Age of Menopause 48-49 years.

Average Coitus Calorie Expenditure 100 calories, at a rate of 6 per minute (Meaning, if you work out the equations, you’re expending the equivalent of 419 Watts. If only there were some way of harvesting all that energy…)

Average Frequency of Coitus 2.5 times weekly.

Average Time to Orgasm (male) Kinsey found that 75% of all males reach orgasm within 2 minutes of penetration, and felt that it was normal, though he does note that it “may be most unsatisfactory to a wife who is inhibited or natively low in response.” Way to state the obvious, doc.

Average Duration of Orgasm (male) 3-5 seconds.

Average Time to Orgasm (female) Females in Kinsey’s studies averaged a little less than 4 minutes to reach orgasm during masturbation, though for coitus it took anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.

Average Duration of Orgasm (female) 5-8 seconds. Orgasmic contractions in both sexes occur at intervals of 0.8 seconds.


Gebhard, Paul H. The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for Sex Research. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1979.

Gray, Henry. Gray’s Anatomy. New Jersey: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1977.

Reinisch, June Machover. The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex. New York: 1990.

Wanderer, Zev and David Radell. How Big is Big?: The Book of Sexual Measurements. New York: Bell Publishing Co., 1982.

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