A Visit to the Doctor-Exhibitionist & Voyeur Story by Salty Vixen

A few months ago I wrote two stories about my exhibitionist adventures. A Doctor fantasy, that is something we all have and I experienced! My cousin, Mary, recognized me from some of the details in these stories. She confronted me and threatened to expose me to my family if I didn't obey her every command. She has slowly turned me into something I don't really believe. She makes me wear outrageous clothing and expose myself in public. She has had me pierce my nipples, she ties me up and tortures me - actually just read my previous stories and you'll get the idea. Mary also now has a heap of photos on her camera phone that she holds as blackmail. I daren't disobey her.

For the last six days Mary hadn't let me orgasm. She would tease me to just before I exploded and then stop. She would let me calm down a little and then start again.

She also started teaching me to measure my level of arousal.

In nursing, we use a 'pain score'. Often we ask patients, "On a score of zero to ten, where zero is no pain and ten is the most pain you can imagine, what is your pain score now?"

Mary would mimic this, "On a score of zero to ten, where zero is doing the dishes and ten is the point of orgasm, how aroused are you now?"

Mary would stimulate me, either with her fingers, a vibrator or else I would masturbate and she would ask me my 'arousal score'. If she was doing the stimulating she would wait until I reached 9.5 and then keep going for another fifteen seconds telling me to hold back my orgasm.

I can't really convey what this would do to me, but I'll try. At an 'arousal score' of 9.5 I am usually bucking my hips, panting and sweating profusely. My pussy is flowing like a leaking tap and my clit is standing out like a little finger. If I don't hold back I would normally come within a few seconds. From 9.5 to 10 is a very short amount indeed. To be told to hold back (with an undefined threat of 'punishment') is pure torture. I'm usually gritting my teeth and grunting as I continue to buck my hips. I've probably reached an 'arousal level' of 9.9 on a few occasions with Mary just stopping in time.

If anything is worse than trying to hold back an impending orgasm its being denied one. Doing this over and over for six days is pure hell.

Mary was watching me twenty four hours a day. Except at work, where I'm too scared to masturbate in the toilets. I'm sure that I'd get caught and I think I'd rather die! Mary would drop me off at work and then pick me up afterwards. Sometimes we would even meet for lunch.

When we get home she would usually makes me strip naked. Sometimes she would make me masturbate in front of her. She'd have me sit on a bar stool and slowly stroke my clit while she answers emails from Literotica readers. Occasionally she'd show me some encouragement from readers, or a photo of something someone thinks I should wear (thanks 'Dieter'). Otherwise she would almost ignore me while I slowly worked myself into a lather.

Sometimes she got me to shower straight away, she'd usually shower with me and I always end up very clean down below.

Some nights Mary has made me dress in short dresses and we've gone out in public. One night we went down to Glenelg and we walked around the new marina area. I was made to climb the pier rails and bend over to 'admire the boats'. Naturally with a short dress on with no underwear I was totally on show. Mary made me do this opposite a restaurant with full length glass windows. Dozens of people would have seen my dripping pussy. She made me stand like this for what seemed an eternity.

Another night she dressed me in a thin singlet with a short sports-style mini skirt (sans bra and underwear or course). She took me ice-skating. It was freezing on the rink and my pierced nipples stood out like small knobs, complete with brass knockers. All the teenagers thought it was fantastic. They thought it was even better when I fell over landing flat on my back. My dress lifted completely and a lucky few got a full view. I kept getting small nudges to try and knock me over after that. I used to roller-blade, so I wasn't completely hopeless, but I fell over a few times regardless. Falling on ice with a bare ass is not fun, however much the people around you might enjoy it.

Whatever we did, the nights ended up the same. Mary would tie me down in bed to stop me masturbating accidentally during my sleep - something I was probably bound to do if she hadn't. Mary has taken some 'soft shackles' from her job at the nursing home. They have long ties which mean I couldn't undo them if I tried. At night I'm tied up with Mary bringing me just short of climax before she goes to sleep.

The result of these six days and night is that I was so fucking horny. My nights were filled with erotic dreams. While I was at work, I was fantasizing about some of my fellow colleagues. When I was at home I was the plaything of a demented dominatrix. Mary wouldn't even penetrate me. I've had nothing in my vagina or ass for six days, and I've learnt to love anal sex recently! My pussy was constantly wet. I would beg for release every time my pussy was touched.

On the last night Mary tied me down completely spread-eagled. My legs were pulled fully apart. She didn't even put a sheet over me. I barely slept. When I did, I even dreamt of being teased without release. I awoke some time in the morning to find Mary stroking my thighs. She wasn't even touching my pussy and I was already soaking. I wondered how much more of this I could take. I had two days off work now and I really didn't think I would stand two whole days of being teased like this. At least not without going completely insane.

Mary untied me and we showered together. Then after breakfast she explained her plans for the morning. I was mortified. I was to visit a doctor that Mary had chosen and pretend to have a particular 'problem'. Mary would be listening via mobile phone to the appointment, and I had to explain a number of 'facts' to the doctor. Missing any of these 'facts' would result in punishment.

I was dressed in an unusually conservative manner. A push-up bra that made my B-chest look more like a C-chest (and on my very small frame it was pretty spectacular) managed to completely hide my nipple rings. I was made to wear white panties and a long flowery dress with slip-on sandals. I had no make up on and wore my hair down.

Mary drove me to the doctors. On the way I was instructed to open the glove box. There was a vibrator inside. Mary had me stimulate my clit through the panties. My already moist panties were soon soaking.

We arrived outside the clinic and Mary made me recite the scenario I was presenting and repeated the facts for her. Then, taking a deep breath and with a lump in my throat. I went inside and greeted the receptionist.

She was very pretty, and quite friendly in a professional sort of way. She told me the doctor would be with me shortly. I took a seat and opened up my small handbag. I phoned Mary and activated the speakerphone function. My phone has a very sensitive microphone and so Mary would hear everything.

I sat and waited. I could feel the dampness between my legs. The desire for release. The panic in my stomach.

"Natalie," called a voice. It was the doctor. Oh my god, he was huge. Six foot ten if he was an inch. Muscular, obviously spending a lot of time at the gym. Short cropped hair, square jaw, nice tan, late twenties...he was pretty hot.

I picked up my handbag and followed, slightly trembling.

"Well Natalie, what seems to be the trouble?" the doctor asked showing me to a seat in his office and closing the door.

"Well," my mouth was dry, "you see..." I hesitated. Part of the scenario was to look nervous, something I was having no problems accomplishing.

"Go on," reassured the doctor.

"It's my vagina," I blurted out, "I think Tim might have torn it."

"I see," the doctor as he licked his lips - probably involuntarily, "and Tim is?"

"My boyfriend," I continued, "you see, he took my virginity a month ago, and we've been having lots of sex ever since, but recently he's started doing different things and I think he might have put a tear in my vagina!" I had tears in my eyes. Mary had outdone herself with this scenario. How I wanted to run, but I had no choice but to obey.

"I see," repeated the doctor after a pause, "I think we'd better start with a full medical history and examination."

The doctor the proceeded through a full medical history questionnaire. Now remember, I'm a Registered Nurse, although I told the doctor I was only twenty once and looking for casual waitressing work. I was actually quite impressed with his questioning. He took my blood pressure and pulse and I was starting to think that he was going to be completely professional when he told me,"I need to examine your lungs. Can you please take off your dress and bra?"

I complied without question as per Mary's instructions. I folded the dress on the bench and unclipped my bra. The doctor hadn't seen the rings before. I explained that I had them done for Tim about a month ago.

Sitting on the bed the doctor then examined my 'lungs' with his stethoscope. At this point I had no doubts that he was a complete sleaze. This was not an examination of my breathing apparatus! The doctor managed to give my breasts a good massage at the same time. Holding the stethoscope with two fingers, he was able to get a good feel of my nipples with the rest of his hand.

Read this hot story:
Free Taxi Fare (Drunk, Exhibitionism, Lesbian, Voyeur)

The effect on me in my sex craving state was immediate. My nipples sprang to life, my breathing quickened and my pussy started to leak. I could smell my arousal.

"Now Natalie" continued the doctor as he stepped back from fondling my breasts, "your sexual history. You said that you were a virgin until a month ago, is that correct?"

"Yes," I lied.

"And that Tim has been your only sexual partner?"


"Natalie, how often do you and Tim have sex?" he was looking at my panties. I was squirming as I sat. I could feel my juices actually leaking through my panties on to the examination table.

"Oh, every day," I replied. This was one of many 'facts' that Mary had supplied me with.

"Every day," repeated the doctor with a slight arch of an eyebrow, "I see..."

There was a slight pause as the doctor reflected upon this.

"Well, we'd better examine you then. Take off your underwear and put you feet in those."

'Those' were the stirrups at the end of the table. I peeled off my panties and moved to the end of the bed. I was now completely naked, and very aroused. I put my feet into the stirrups and laid back. The doctor moved his chair over in front of my. Releasing a lever he moved my lets further apart.

He didn't even put gloves on!

He touched my shaved skin with the back of his fingers, delicately running them up and down.

"For Tim?" he asked in deep voice.

"Yes," I replied in a squeak. His touch felt so good. He stroked around my lips, making little effort to be medical. Then he touched my clit briefly. I jumped slightly. He went back to what he had been doing. He touched my clit again and I moaned.

I was also under strict instructions from Mary not to come, this was a test for me, but at this point I didn't care.

Suddenly the doctor became business like again.

"So tell me, Natalie, where do you think this tear is?"

"Well doctor, it seems to be on the back wall of the vagina. I can't feel it when I put my fingers in, but I can feel it during sex. I think it must be deeper than my fingers," more 'facts' courtesy of Mary.

"Well," replied the doctor, "lets take a look, just try and relax."

With that he inserted a finger. He didn't use any lubricant either, not that he needed any. He slowly inserted his index finger. On an 'arousal score' I was at about a 8.9. I quietly "mmm-ed," and panted a little.

He pushed his finger in deeper. He had big hands, but I was so wet he probably could have stuck his head in there. He rotated his fingers around feeling the walls of my vagina. Then he stuck another finger in. I continued with my panting and changed from "mmm-ing," to a sort of, "ah, ah, ah".

"I can't feel any obvious tears," announced the doctor, "How long is your boyfriends penis?"

"About, about, ooohhh, ahhhh," I replied, "it's, it's sixteen centimetres, I, I, I, measured it the other night." My 'arousal score' had moved to 9.5, I was going to orgasm soon if he kept doing this. I think it was the strangeness of the setting that was really turning me on. The fact that there was someone else in charge of my body and the fact that I wasn't shouldn't be getting turned on by this, and yet that's exactly what I was here for.

"I see," replied the doctor, and withdrew his fingers.

I had reached at least 9.7, almost, almost coming. I panted. A light sweat covered my body and I realised I had been massaging my own breasts. God how humiliating!

The doctor turned away and was getting something from a drawer, "Natalie, do you usually orgasm during sex?"

"Yes," I replied, one of the first truths I had spoken, "Tim has been teaching me lots of new things. Some are a little painful at first, but they feel great after a while."

This was leading to the last of the 'facts' that Mary had given me. If I could tell this and escape without orgasming I would have fulfilled everything and she would reward me.

"Painful at first?" queried the doctor, "What exactly do you mean?"

"Well, anal sex," I replied. There I've said it, "Actually that's when the pain started. You don't think?"

"All in good time," the doctor replied, "just try to relax again."

The doctor had a speculum in his hands as he came back to his chair. I noticed quite a 'tent' in his trousers. Before inserting the speculum he pulled a lever and my legs swung even further apart. Another lever was pulled and the head of the table reclined. I felt even more open and vulnerable.

"This will feel a little cold."

The doctor inserted the speculum. Christ! Did he keep in the freezer? My arousal had subsided slightly, probably back to a 8.5 (which is still damn high).

"Just relax."

He had inserted the speculum deeply into my vagina. I could feel him opening it. I grunted and groaned loudly. He had his thumb pushing firmly on my clit. If he moved it slightly I was going to come and probably fall off the table. Then with a click, the speculum was fully open. The doctor actually let go of it and I could feel the weight as it hung from my pussy. Being held open like this was incredible. I could feel my pussy pulsing against the speculum and my clit throbbing. My juices had run down and dripped onto the table causing quite a wet patch.

The doctor examined me with a small torch. He was making lots of professional sounding hmm's. Then he turned back to his cupboard and I could hear the sound of latex gloves going on. He turned back.

"Just a little longer Natalie," explained the doctor, "I need to inspect your back passage for damage."

He placed his un-gloved hand back on my pussy, with his thumb resting on my clit and firmly pushed two lubricated fingers up my ass.

My arousal was now at least 9.5! I was grunting and trying to move my hips, but I was spread so wide that nothing moved. I was almost hyperventilating as I tried to hold back the inevitable orgasm.

I was trying to be a 'good girl' for Mary. I wanted to show that I could control my orgasms for her. That I wasn't a 'bad slut'.

But then the doctor stated to rub my clit and he rotated his fingers inside my ass. I bit my lip and held my breath, "Mustn't come, mustn't come, don't come," I repeated inside my head. Then the doctor paused.

"Just relax Natalie this will be over soon," assured the doctor. Then he pushed his fingers deeper into my ass. At least he had stopped rubbing my clit. I could feel my whole genital region pulsing with desire. My 'arousal level' was on 9.99, possibly higher, but it was holding and I wasn't coming yet. The doctor stroked the inside my ass, and then inserted a finger from his other hand deep into my pussy. He was now rubbing the area deep between my ass and pussy. I was gripping the table so hard I broke a nail. When I got home I discovered I had bitten my lip quite badly.

I was not going to come. God I was close. I might have even moved past orgasm without orgasming. I was so incredibly sensitive I believe I could make a mould of his finger prints from memory. I could feel everything.

I honestly have no idea of how long he continued exploring this area. It could have been five seconds, it could have been five years. Time cease for me.

Suddenly I was aware that he had stopped. He was taking off his gloves and washing his hands. I had survived the test I hadn't come! The doctor rambled on about not feeling and obvious lesions or tears as he released the stirrups. I hastily got dressed as he continued to waffle about the use of water based lubricants, gave some medical term (which I forgot) referring to sensitivity under arousal.

I wasn't really listening. It was almost an out of body experience. My arousal level was still around 9.5, but it had stopped. I was almost at the point of orgasm while getting dressed. It was a delicious but completely unreal and unfamiliar feeling.

I signed the Medicare form, promised that I would return if the problem persisted, thanked the doctor for his time and left. On the way out I noticed the tent in his pants was bigger than ever!

I was on a high, partly from the intense orgasm denial, partly from having passed Mary's test. It was so good to tell her that I hadn't orgasmed. She was so pleased and proud of me.

I was well rewarded that night, to a degree that I never anticipated.


Epilogue (by Mary).

Having passed this test I decided to give Natalie back her freedom. I gave her the phone and she deleted all the photos. I had already promised not to expose her to the family, so now she was free. We made love all afternoon. We both lost count of the number of times that we orgasmed (and I normally only come once per day).

I returned back to my home that night. We plan to stay apart for a week while we decide what to do. We both have other lives and other friends and both need time and room to decide our futures.

Thanks for reading, I don't know if there will be more or not...