In Good Hands- A NonConsent/Reluctance Sex Story by Salty Vixen

He opened his eyes. His head throbbed. There was a man looking down at him with a clipboard in hand.

"He's coming to," the man said.

"Good, I was wondering when sleeping beauty was going to wake up," a woman's voice replied.

Chris raised his head, and then raised his upper body. He felt heavy and dizzy. Quickly, he put his hands at his sides and attempted to balance himself.

"Easy there, lay down," the man in the white coat said.

Chris followed his instructions. He felt a bit nauseous.

"I'll take it from here." The woman said, "I want to take a look at his head, he took quite a fall."

The man in white exited the room.

"Thirsty?" the woman asked. Chris nodded his head. She exited the room quickly.

Don't look at her ass, Chris thought, as he saw her leave.

She returned with a small cup. "You might be nauseous still, don't want you making a mess all over me," she handed him the cup with ice chips. "You'll get some water, juice, if you like, in a bit.

Chris sucked on the ice. He looked down at his feet. They were covered in pastel colored slippers. He did not have any pants on. His upper body lay under a hospital gown. A thin blanket was over his legs. Did he have on any underwear, he asked himself? He looked into the doctor's big brown eyes. She was not very tall, maybe a bit past his nose, he thought. Her hair was honey colored, and curled. There was a smile on her face. She was thin, with delicate features. The Doctor leaned in close to him. Don't stare at her breast, he thought.

There was an IV attached to Chris's arm. "That IV doesn't look very good," she said. He brought his arm over to her. He felt a sharp pain, winced, made a face and pulled his arm back. "The arm too? Well, we will take a look at that also." The doctor reached over him to fix the dangling IV.

She was very pretty. Her hands were warm, in contrast to the artificial coolness of the hospital room.

"Now, let's see, a bit of tape here, and here, and here. Now, how does that look?"

Chris couldn't help but turn his head. Her soft hair had been tickling his face. Her breast had been resting on his left arm, while she bandaged the IV in his right.

"Don't be shy, I don't bite," she said. She moved her hands away from his arm slowly, her firm breast still resting on him.

"Now, let's get you upstairs and take a look at that head of yours." She straightened, accidentally dragging the blanket off from his legs.

There, for the entire world to see stood Chris's cock at full attention. It took a couple of seconds for both of them to register the image. Chris's face turned red from embarrassment. His penis looked inappropriately bigger than it had ever looked before. The pretty doctor stood, one hand on the blanket, the other one by instinct, rose in attempt to cover her look of surprise. Chris began to open his mouth and explain himself. The Doctor smiled, and then she let out a small giggle.

"Um, don't worry, this happens more often than you think," she said, "It's perfectly normal, I'm used to seeing erect penises all the time. I mean---- not in that way of course----- here, in the hospital."

Read this hot story:
Not So Suite (WS, Gang bang, NC) Story by Salty Vixen

She covered his erection with the blanket. It did not help. Chris moved his left hand to cover the tent himself.

"I've got it," the doctor said, chuckling softly. She brought over another blanket and placed it on top of Chris.

The erection was still visible. The doctor laid a third blanket on his lap. How embarrassing, he thought, he would never live this moment down

Chris shut his eyes. It was his own fault he was in the hospital. He was so stupid. Here he was, with a huge erection, his cock larger than he ever thought possible, and he could not make the damn thing go away. Stop looking at her ass! Just keep your eyes shut and don't look at her tits!

He felt a soft hand on his bare leg. His eyes shot open. The doctor's hand had slipped into the blanket. He felt a warm finger graze the tip of his cock. Chris looked at the doctor. She smiled at him. "I'm adjusting the blankets," she said, "don't want you to have another accident on the way upstairs. Chris made a sigh of relief; he certainly didn't want another one of these accidents. What if it happened on the way upstairs, like the doctor said, and the entire hospital got a free viewing of his erection? He would surely have to move to another country. He felt her hand on his thigh. He was glad she was there and not someone else. He still had a huge hard on, but she had already seen it,. She was used to this kind of stuff.

He felt a hand moving down his thigh, and warm fingers wrap around the base of his cock. His eyes shot open once more. The doctor met his surprised gaze.

"Adjusting still," she said.

He felt her hand slide up his thick shaft, grip the tip of his head, slide down again, and cup his balls. Chris stared wide-eyed at the pretty doctor. He was not one to visit hospitals very often. He liked her, she showed a lot of concern for him, but this, whatever it was she was doing, was not helping his erection diminish. Instead, a drop of cum began to form at the tip of his cock.

Chris focused on maintaining his composure. He shouldn't seem like a pervert, in front of her. She was a professional. Don't think of her hands on your cock, he thought, don't think of it!

Her hand slid up his hard cock. She lifted the blanket. His thick member was in full view. The doctor smiled. She leaned in closer, He felt her squeeze his hardness. Her hand slid all of the way up his shaft and down again. Chris lay motionless, his eyes fixed on the doctor's hand. She started to move up and down his cock rhythmically. She slid her hands to the moist tip and squeezed. Then, with a sudden movement, the pretty doctor removed herself from his cock, and quickly fixed the blankets on his lap. Chris closed his eyes. He felt dizzy.

"All right, let's go upstairs and take a really good look at that head of yours."