I have been bad Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s story is titled “I have been bad” Dear Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, it appears we have an audience, so let’s give them a show. This is the moment I have waited for…

Who is Salty Vixen, but Sir, you know my secret. As I am your plaything, your Mistress, the one you created and I know you enjoy every moment…

Deep Kisses

Gentle caresses

Hands around my neck

Firm touches



Slaps to my ass

Smacks to my pussy

Hair pulling

A tongue separating my lips, yes both sets



Thumps (oh my, how nice)

Deep pounding thrusts to my mouth and then my pussy and then my ass




Passion and urgency

Cumming over and over and over again like never before

My body aches today. It aches for what I’ve had and what I haven’t. I feel the soreness of our passion and yet long for more, though perhaps a bit more gentle today. You’re my addiction now. I can’t get enough. You own me. I wonder how it feels to have that power. I wonder if you grasp the value of it. I wonder how long it will last and how it will end. I wonder and yet I still want.

Oh Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, Sir, I have been a naughty Salty Vixen, will you spank me, oh please?? I deserve it!

I’d been bad. I was in and out of touch and late. When I did show up his words said one thing, but his eyes said something else. He told me I’d been bad, that I would be punished. His eyes said that he wanted to play. I couldn’t wait!

He looked so damn sexy to me. I’d seen him several times during the day, passing him in the hall, in my office door, walking by his office. I wanted to jump him every time I saw him, but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself until now. He pushed back from his desk, leaned back in his chair and told me to get on my knees. I had to make up for my disobedience, needed to accept my punishment.

I happily obeyed, taking my place, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, taking out that beautiful cock. I love his cock, worship it, and want it more than anything. I dream about it, fantasize about it, and savor it when I have it. Its perfect for me, big and thick, seemingly molded for my body as the ideal fit.

Read this hot story:
Yeah Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Taking him in my mouth, gently at first I was instantly turned on. He wasn’t quite hard, which gave me the opportunity to bring him to potential. His hands were quickly in my hair, pulling and pushing me as he wanted me to suck and lick. He grew harder and thicker and I grew hotter and wetter. 

He wasn’t so gentle, even putting both hands around my neck rather firmly at one point. I wish leaving marks there wouldn’t be a problem, but I’m afraid that would draw too much attention. He knows that and stops just short.

After some time he pulled me off his shaft and instructed me to undress, watching me as I step back from his desk. While seeing myself undressed is hardly comfortable for me, he seems to be okay with it. There are plenty of things I’d like to change about my body, but as far as I can tell he’s not bothered by my imperfections. That turns me on even more.

From there he tells me there is more of a price to pay. For one, he would withhold his tongue from my pussy. He wanted to lick my pussy, but I lost that pleasure in being late. I resist the urge to pout. Instead I took my spot on his desk. He immediately pushed me back, roughly and continued the punishment. Pinches and thumps and slaps. Pleasure and pain and excitement. I was so hot and so wet that it’s a wonder I didn’t cum right then. When he slammed his big hard cock into my waiting pussy I wanted to scream a scream that would have rung throughout the office. It was exhilarating and felt so good I wanted to hold the moment for days.

For the next hour he fucked me good and hard. He made me sit on his lap and ride his cock until I was breathless and wet with sweat and then put me back on the desk and fucked me some more. I came, as always, over and over and over again, leaving proof on him and the desk and the floor. I was so spent and worn out and sore when he stopped that part of me thought I’d never want to fuck again, but the rest of me knew better.

I left knowing I’d be sore, knowing there would be bruises, knowing I’d want more soon.