Into a shake Oral Sex Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s episode is titled “into a shake”. Dear Sir, I’m having an especially stressful week, actually couple of weeks. I am so busy at work I can’t seem to get my head above water. I thrive on the stress though. The pressure pushes me to think harder and achieve more. I secretly love it, but would never admit it.

What I would love even more is to end my day by coming home to a willing partner, you, my Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, Sir.

My fantasy would go like this. I’d open the door after a long day and find you standing there, waiting on me, with a smile on your face and a glass of wine. The sounds of music from the bedroom, the candles lit, I’d immediately know what you had in mind, and interest would grow.

Perhaps you would offer to give me a bath, rubbing my body with soft bubbles and oil. I would notice quickly how excited you were becoming just from the sight of my naked body and then the touch. Maybe you would just offer to undress me tenderly and start by rubbing my feet. No matter, we would ultimately end up back in the bedroom where we would kiss and touch and quickly forget the stress of our day. It would be kissing and touching and sucking. I’d want to take my time, gradually releasing everything that had built up, ultimately laying back and letting you fuck me until we both got the release we needed, falling asleep completely satisfied.

Some nights I would want to come home to something a little different, where you would demand that I work for you just like I’d worked for “the man” during the day, pushing me to my knees where I’d suck you until you couldn’t take it anymore. Then you could bend me over a chair in the kitchen and take me from behind just like I love. The urgency and passion of the moment would make it even better, clothes partially off, not caring who saw us through the kitchen windows.

Yes, that’s what I want when I get home. I want someone to want me back, someone to fuck me like there’s no tomorrow. I need it tonight.

And that someone is you, my Doctor, my Alpha Male, my Dom, sir…

Read this hot story:
Help Me Relax (Audio Story)

I will always care about you, and you know this… let’s begin…

I love all things oral. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’d rather suck cock than anything else. I’m satisfied just sucking cock and love to swallow, but give me a man that will lick my pussy, do it well and act like he enjoys it and he will own me! And doing it well really isn’t that hard. I swear if you will read what the man up there has to say you’ll have all the tips you need.

Along that line, I thought I’d share a recent experience…

I’d been waiting a long time. We had seen each other several times and had great sex, but his tongue had not tasted me in a while. I knew it, he knew it. I wanted it, he wanted it. The circumstances had not been right though. While he always makes sure I get off, I was still left with a need. I wanted that intimate kiss.

We had played and fucked and I was really quite satisfied when he started to finger my pussy again. It was still full of his cum, still sensitive from the fucking. I almost told him to stop when he started moving down the bed, spreading my legs wider and wider.

His tongue is like magic. I can’t always relax, but today I let go. I wanted to savor every moment, knowing it might be a long time before I would get this again. I closed my eyes and focused completely on his tongue, licking and sucking. The variety is what does it for me. He licks my slit from bottom to top, stopping to stick his tongue deep inside me, sucking on my pussy lips and finally on my clit. 

His tongue flicks and laps at my clit, making it harder and harder and sending my whole body into a shake. It was just minutes when he took one finger and pushed it deep in my pussy when I completely lost control. I don’t even know what kind of sounds I made, but I came so hard I thought my head would explode. And he didn’t stop then. He just kept at my clit, sucking and sucking, tongue rolling all around. It was incredible. It left me dizzy and soaking wet from my own cum.

Yes, he owns me. I am his. No matter who I fuck for the rest of my life, my pussy will always belong to him.