So Fucking Loud Straight and Hot Sex Story by Salty Vixen

What a charming lady. That was my first thought when we were introduced. She had an engaging smile and a certain reticence that made one think she might be rather shy. And she was lovely to look at, too.

It was a year ago that Elaine and I became friends. We had mutual acquaintances and met during a business luncheon. She was seated at the same table as me, and we had an engaging conversation. We shared so much in common. I had to wonder, seeing how lovely she was, and how sweet her personality was, if her reserve would carry over into the bedroom.

We would see each other at these engagements often, about once a month. As time passed I could sense that she might be open to more than conversation. Double entendres and flirtatious glances were the inducement I needed to finally press for a little more from our relationship.

It had sometimes happened that we would share a cab after a meeting, and she would always be dropped off first at her office. I would take the taxi on to my own place of business and pay the cabbie. It was a business expense. What was most interesting about such rides was how often her dress seemed to move up her legs. And what legs they were. I do love a shapely gam.

One day we were leaving a restaurant after a lunch. Elaine said she was going to take a cab on her own this time. She had to go to her brownstone residence instead of returning to her office. This seemed like an opportune moment. I decided to take a chance.

"That's odd," I spoke up. "I wasn't going back to work either. I'm taking the afternoon off. Let me just get this taxi with you and go on after we drop you off."

"Oh, Brian. That's sweet of you. Sure, why not?" We climbed into the cab and took off for her neighborhood.

We continued the conversation we had been having while finishing the lunch. And lovely knees appeared from her linen skirt. Then her hand, during an energetic exchange, was placed on my thigh. I spread my legs.

Her hand lingered for a minute or two, and was finally removed, as her hands continued gesturing. I allowed myself to use the same gambit. My hand found itself on her thigh and I was rather gleeful to see that her luscious legs spread apart slightly, then more as I gave her flesh a squeeze. I looked into her eyes and saw what I wanted to see.

We were just pulling up to her walkup apartment. She gathered her things together. I was on the curbside of the vehicle so I got out and helped her exit.

"If you weren't busy I'd ask you up for some coffee," she said, smiling.

"You misunderstood, Elaine. I'm not busy at all," I grinned. "I'd love some coffee."

Read this hot story:
In The Still of the Night (romance, seduction)

I paid the cabbie and took her elbow as we climbed the stairs up to the building's entry. She used a key and we walked down the hall and up the stairs to the second floor. Her apartment was at the front of the brownstone, looking out to the street below.

As soon as we entered, and she had closed the door, I took her arms, pressed her against the nearest wall, and began kissing her scarlet lips. She moaned and forced her tongue into my mouth, letting me know exactly how she felt about this encounter.

My hand grabbed her ass and forced her body firmly against me, making sure she could feel my growing erection, then I pulled one of her legs up as I dry humped her pussy. Her moaning grew louder and then broke free from the kissing.

"Brian. Brian. Oh shit. I need to fuck baby. Oh, fuck me, Brian."

With one hand I undid my belt and unzipped my trousers. Pushing my briefs down, I released my prick. Then I grasped her skirt, pulling it up to get to her panties. In a moment they were ripped down and I was pressing my cock head against her pussy lips. I thrust.

"Ahhhhhhh! Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Brian, Brian. Oh, fuck me baby. Fuck me!"

I did that for her. Beginning to rut like an animal. Grinding now, in and out. Jesus, she was hot. I was screwing her like a whore and not the lady she was. She was a lady but she loved to fuck. I could tell, as she continued to scream out her needs. Begging for more. Begging to be fucked.

I had never banged a lady like this. It was so damned hot. I didn't know I could act this way. But I wasn't going to let this lady get away without getting the fuck of her life. And I knew it was working because she was so fucking loud. A thought flitted through my mind. I wondered what her neighbors thought of this charming lady. Then I let it go and just kept ramming my prick into her wet pussy.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh sweetie, sweet man. Oh shit. I'm cumming baby, cumming." And her voice rose with another shout of lust. I kept fucking her. I wasn't ready to cum yet. I wanted to see how much I could make her cum.

"Oh, god. Oh. Ahhhh! I keep cumming. Keep cumming. Too much. Oh, god. Too much."

No mercy. I kept fucking her. I was loving this. I was panting and fucking and close. So fucking close. Jesus, I was cumming now. Filling her pussy. Spurting over and over. Slowing now as her crying out died away.

It was good.

It has been ever since. And she is always so fucking loud.