A Weekend in the Country by Salty Vixen (Snuff, Cannibalism, Bi sex)

Karen stared out the train window, barely noticing the green countryside rocketing past her. The sideways rocking of the passenger car was strangely erotic, adding amplitude to the sensuous thoughts that hummed through her mind.

An hour outside of New York. Less than half an hour to her destination. And then...

And then her fantasy would become a reality.

The fantasy which seemed to possess her every waking thought would finally be acted out in real life.

The train pulled into the station a little before noon. Stepping out onto the platform, Karen scanned the parking lot. She saw the grey BMW parked a few yards from the ticket office, and a young couple standing next to the car.

As Karen walked towards the car, the man stepped forward to greet her.

"Are you Karen?" he asked.

"Yeah. Bill and Linda?"

The man nodded. The woman licked her lips, nervously.

Karen had expected a slightly older couple. Bill looked to be only thirty years old, with sandy blonde hair. Linda was a year or two younger, petite but curvaceous, with long brown hair. They looked to be the perfect choice.

In a few days, they would make her dark fantasy come true.

Their home was situated at the end of a long, winding road in the middle of a hundred of acres of dairy pastures.

"We've fixed up the spare bedroom for you," Linda said as she unlocked the front door. Karen followed her into the small room, and tossed her overnight bag onto the bed.

"Not much luggage," Linda said.

"I don't think I'll be here that long to need it," Karen responded.

As she began unpacking her few clothes, Linda went to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.

A few minutes later, the Karen returned to the living room, where the couple were seated on the couch sipping coffee. Linda poured her a cup, and patted the narrow empty space between Bill and her.

"Sit down." she said.

There was a nervous silence. Finally, Bill leaned forward and coughed.

"We'd like to take a look at you..." Bill said, almost hesitantly.

"Sort of a preview?" Karen replied.

She stood up, and turned to face the couple on the leather couch. Karen unbuttoned her yellow silk blouse. The shear fabric slipped off her shoulders and fell to the floor, revealing two large, upturned breasts tipped with rosy-pink nipples. She unsnapped the top button of her jeans, and slowly slithered out of the tight fabric, then peeled off her translucent panties.

Her abdomen was firm, and her navel was a deep, inverted triangle adrift in a sea of smooth, unblemished pink-tan flesh. The small triangle of brown hair below her belly had been neatly trimmed, revealing the plump pinkness of the mound between her legs. Her thighs, browned by the sun, were solid and tight, and the calves of her long legs were curved and graceful.

The couple studied the woman's nude form in silence.

Karen took Bill's hand in hers, and placed it on her bare abdomen. The skin was silky smooth, the warm flesh soft and yielding.

"USDA Choice meat... meat so tender you can cut it with a fork..." Karen said softly.

Linda reached out, her fingers tracing the rounded curves of her buttock, then played over the woman's tanned thigh.

"Well?" Karen asked.

"Beautiful... absolutely perfect..." Bill murmured.

"Have you decided how you're going to do it?" Karen

"Just the way you described in your letter." Linda replied.

"Unless you've come up with a different idea..." Bill added.

"No... that's perfect..." Karen said, her voice low.

"When?" Karen asked quietly, trying not to sound too excited.

"Tomorrow. We'll butcher you in the morning... that way, you'll be ready for dinner."

Butcher. The word sent an erotic chill through Karen, and the image of her corpse, dressed out like a deer, flickered through her mind. For years she had fantasized about such an end. The fantasy had a thousand variations. Sometimes, she would meet her demise between the teeth of an immense male lion; sometimes, she would serve as the main course for a tribe of cannibals on a remote island in the Pacific. Yet the theme of her daydreams were the same: her flesh being offered up as a savory meal.

"Have you figured out where?" Karen asked.

"Yes. The perfect place... the old barn out back. It's all ready for Saturday. Want to see how we've fixed it up?"

Karen nodded. Linda handed her a white terrycloth robe, and the threesome set off for the barn.

"This place used to be a dairy farm before we bought it," Linda explained. "We rent out some of the upland to the local dairymen. We thought about tearing down the barn, but I figured it would make a good studio..."

The barn was almost completely empty, except for a long line of bales of hay neatly stacked in a short row between two of the massive timber supports. On the far side of the barn was a large brick rectangle, eight feet long and nearly five feet high, its top shaped like half of a cylinder. A brick chimney rose from its back end, piercing the side of the building. On the front end was a black cast iron door.

"That's the oven we told you about. Bill had it built last month, just for you," Linda said.

Karen opened the iron door and stared inside, examining the long black pan that rested on the floor of the oven, then wandered back to the line of hay bales.

"Pity you're not gonna eat me alive... that way, you could tell me how I taste..."

"You'll be perfectly delicious baked..." Linda said.

"Tell me again how you're gonna do it...." Karen asked.

"First, you lay down on the hay bales..." Bill started to explain.

Karen slipped off the robe and stretched out on her back on the bales of hay as if testing them for comfort.

Bill knelt beside her and methodically repeated each step, memorized from her letter.

"First, we tie your hand to the wooden post here."

He lifted the woman's arms over her head and placed them on either side of the post.

"Then we tie your feet to the other post. Then I take a knife and slice open you tummy from here to here." He traced a line on her skin with his index finger that began at the base of her breastbone and ended just above her groin. As his finger moved across her belly, Karen squirmed slightly beneath his hand, and he noticed her cheeks were beginning to flush.

"After that, we remove all the organs inside your belly. Then we stuff you, sew you back up, and pop you into a slow oven to bake. And in six or seven hours, you're ready to eat... "

Karen opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her cheeks were a rosy-red, and her breath was coming in short pants.

Bill turned to Linda.

"Why don't you get dinner ready... I think Karen and I would like to get to know each other a little better..."

Linda smiled to herself, and headed back to the house.

Bill placed his hand on her abdomen, caressing the firm flesh with the palm of his hand. He bent over and took the hardening nipple of her left breast into his mouth, and gently sucked on it. His mouth traveled down her torso, his teeth grazing her flesh, until he found the deep depression of her navel. His tongue slowly traced its fleshy rim before probing its interior. As he ground his tongue into her belly button, Karen whimpered and moaned. Bill placed his hand between her legs, and gently massaged her mound with the heel of his hand.

Turning Karen sideways on the hay bales, he spread her legs wide apart and pressed his mouth against the butterfly shaped opening of her vagina. Karen was already slick with anticipation. His tongue pressed between the layers of flesh to probe deep inside of her. Karen moaned as his tongue slithered in and out of her. Finally, Bill turned his attention to the tiny, hard button of her clit. Karen pressed her fist against her mouth to stifle her cries as his tongue swirled around her love-button.

Bill felt the woman go rigid, then begin to quiver and quake from head to toe.

Bill stood up, and began to strip off his shirt. Karen sat up on the hay bales, and grabbed his belt. Unbuckling it, she pulled his jeans down to the ground, and then his jockey shorts. Bill's swollen organ sprang into the air, no longer constrained by the stiff fabric.

Karen's fingers gently encircled the base of his organ. She traced the flared tip of his tool with her index finger. A drop of colorless fluid had collected at the tiny opening. She lightly spread the viscous liquid across the sensitive head of his cock.

She looked up at Bill and grinned.

"I bet you've never been eaten by your dinner before..." she said.

Bill looked down his chest at the lithe brunette who was now kneeling at his feet, studying his engorged cock. He watched her lick her lips and take the swollen plum-tip of his tool into her oval mouth. Bill moaned as her warm wet mouth closed around his organ. He felt her tongue swish around the tip of his cock before she swallowed the rest of its length. For a moment she lingered there, her face buried in Bill's groin, the entire length of his hot, rubbery flesh filling her mouth, before letting his cock slip from her mouth. There was a soft pop as the suction broke.

Karen contemplated the velvety purple tip of his cock for a few seconds, then renewed her assault on Bill's organ, eager to taste him. Bill closed his eyes, lost in the rapture of her warm, wet suctioning mouth wrapped around his tool.

Bill felt the tension beginning to form deep in his groin. The tension became a knot. Karen felt the swollen flesh in her mouth begin to quiver, then felt a spurt of hot, thick fluid explode against her tongue. Bill's legs began to buckle as he flooded her mouth with jet after jet of his seed. Karen continued to slide her lips up and down the shaft even after he had stopped coming.

"Mmmm... nice and sweet..." she murmured as she slipped the white terrycloth bathrobe back on.

The evening's fare was simple... a large pork roast, and boiled potatoes. Both Bill and Linda kept heaping more food on her plate.

"Trying to fatten me up?" Karen asked, smiling.

"No... you're perfect just the way you are. But there's no reason to go hungry..."

Karen looked across the table at the man and woman. Soon, they would be feasting on her flesh, instead of pork, at this very table, off these very plates.

After dinner, she helped clear away the dishes.

The evening past in quiet conversation. Bill and Linda told her all about how they had discovered their mutual taste for human flesh, and Karen shared her fantasies about being eaten with them.

"Once I had this dream that a gigantic boa constrictor swallowed me whole. I was completely naked, and it wrapped itself around me... I could feel its scales rubbing across my thighs and belly and back... they were almost like silk... and it began squeezing me harder and harder. Its mouth closed over my head, then my belly, and finally he sucked my feet into his mouth. Then I was inside his stomach, all wet and slippery... and the walls of his stomach began to completely envelop me..."

Read this hot story:
Mindfuck A Bondage BDSM Sex Story by Salty Vixen

"There was a zoo just across the park from my apartment when I was in college... I used to go there and watch the lions and tigers eat, watch them tear their meat apart with those huge white teeth... There was this beautiful male tiger, enormous, and I always used to think about breaking in to the place at night, kneeling down completely naked before him and letting him feast on me..." Karen closed her eyes, massaging the flesh of her abdomen and sides with the open palms of her hands.

"I always seem to be daydreaming about being spit-roasted or boiled alive in a huge pot by cannibals off in some jungle. I love to read about the cannibals in Fiji. I start thinking about what it would be like to be shipwrecked, and taken prisoner, then be trussed up and prepared for the cook-pot..."

A slight rose tint colored her cheeks as the image of her cooked flesh being consumed by wild cannibals flickered through her mind.

Karen opened her eyes.

"I'm starting to get horny just thinking about it..."

"I think we can help with that..." Linda said quietly.

Bill stood up, gently took her by the hand, and led her towards the bedroom. Linda followed closely behind.

Karen collapsed onto the bed, and rolled over onto her back. Bill sat down alongside of her, softly nuzzling her neck as he unbuttoned the woman's blouse, while Linda disappeared into the bathroom. He unzipped her jeans and tugged them down around her knees, and begin slathering her warm, soft abdomen with kisses. Finally, his lips searched out the void of her navel. He lingered there, sucking and lapping at her belly-button, until Linda returned from the bathroom dressed only in a pair of black panties. She carried with a small basin of warm water, a towel, a can of shaving creme and a razor.

"One small detail before tomorrow," she said hesitantly. "We were wondering if you'd mind being shaved... it'll make things a lot easier..."

Karen stared at her crotch for a moment, thinking.

"I always wondered what I'd look like completely bare..." she said, and grinned.

Linda pulled the woman's jeans off, and knelt down at the side of the bed. Bill repositioned himself to cradle Karen's head in his lap as Linda wetted the thin tuft of hair between her legs and lathered her up.

"Hold very, very still," Linda instructed. We wouldn't want to slice your pussy lips off by accident, would we? At least, not until they've been properly roasted...

Karen laid motionless on the bed as Linda deftly stripped every hair off of her pubic mound, then tenderly washed her. Together, Bill and Linda anointed her with a soothing lotion, their fingers playing over her superbly sculpted genital cleft. Karen reached down to run her fingers across the smooth, slippery skin of her newly-shorn mons, reveling in the feel of the hairless flesh. As Bill slid off the bed only long enough to shed his clothes, Linda gently pulled open the lips of the woman's glistening labia with her fingers. Her tongue swirled around the swollen bud of her clitoris, causing Karen to shudder. She had never felt another woman's lips explore her. Normally, the thought would repulse her, but tonight was different. This woman would share in her death, would share in the preparation of her body for roasting, share the most intimate secret of her body the taste of her flesh.

His fingers lightly playing over the hemispheres of her breasts, then travelling down to caress her smooth, sleek flanks, Bill returned to his tongue-tip cleaning of her navel. He could feel the muscles of her abdomen spasm in ecstasy in response to Linda's skilled assault.

She fought to catch her breath as he lifted her up and repositioned her on the bed. She bent her knees and spread her legs, eager to receive him, to feel him inside of her. He poised the swollen tip of his tool at the entrance to her womanhood, lingering there for a moment. Karen watched as he pushed slowly into her wet canal, fascinated by the sight of his engorged organ disappearing into her hairless mound. She shivered as his cock slowly filled her.

Moving in slow, short strokes, he began to pump in and out of her suctioning vagina. Gradually, he increased the pace, lengthening the strokes. Karen wrapped her legs around his hips as if she was spurring on a race horse. She could feel the swollen knob of his tool moving deep inside of her. Squirming and bucking beneath him, she moaned as her second climax approached. Bill was only vaguely aware of the flutterings of her orgasm, lost in the oblivion of his own approaching eruption. With a final lunge, he came, spurting his thick seed deep inside of her.

Drained, they collapsed onto the bed.

Karen fell asleep comfortably sandwiched between the man and woman who would soon gorge themselves on her cooked flesh.

Saturday morning found Karen in the kitchen, helping Linda dice up a mountainous pile of bread for stuffing. Linda minced a dozen large bermuda onions, and sauteed them in butter on the stove. She then added a large pile of finely chopped celery.

Covering the top of the table with a double layer of aluminum foil, the two women heaped the diced bread together, and poured the sauteed vegetables and melted butter on top. Linda liberally seasoned the mass with poultry seasoning and chicken bouillon while Karen mixed the pile with her bare hands.

Her hands still greasy with butter, bits of bread and chopped celery clinging to her fingers, Karen pulled up her T-shirt and examined her belly.

"This is an awful lot of stuffing," she said "Are you sure it's all gonna fit in there?"

"Positive." Linda said. She took four large black metal roasting pans out of the cupboard, and transferred the pile of stuffing into the pans.

Bill entered the kitchen.

"You two almost finished? We should get started soon..."

Linda nodded.

Bill selected a carving knife from the rack, testing its sharpness against his thumb. Linda and Karen picked up the heaping trays of stuffing. Silently, the two women followed him across the back yard to the barn.

Linda lit the oven.

Standing next to the hay bales, Karen undressed and laid down. She placed her arms above her head, and Linda securely bound them to the timber.

Gently parting her thighs, Bill grabbed a handful of the moist stuffing. Holding the entrance to her vagina open with the fingers of his left hand, he pushed the mass of seasoned bread into her. Karen gasped in surprise, but the feeling of being stretched and filled as he stuffed handful after handful into her was exquisitely erotic.

Straightening out her legs, Bill went to work tying her ankles together, and lashing them to the other post. Linda held a small cloth gag out, and Karen opened her mouth so that she could tie it in place.

Bill picked up the knife, and stared down at Karen's pink-tan body. Karen swallowed hard, her heart racing with anticipation. The woman thrust her belly out, signaling her impatience to begin. He poised the knife at base of the Karen's breastbone, and with measured pressure pulled the blade down the center of her abdomen. The blade passed easily through her soft flesh, leaving behind a wake edged with rich, pink-red meat. As the blade passed through her belly button, Karen's entire body quivered, although neither Bill nor Linda was certain if it was from pain or orgasm. Then her body went limp.

When Bill reached the upper edge of the brown hair between her thighs, he put down the knife and curled his fingers inside the incision. He gently drew the flesh aside, revealing the tightly coiled mass of organs inside. Reaching inside, he grabbed a handful of gut and pulled it out of her body. They slipped into the metal tub with a wet plop. Working with skilled dexterity, he completely emptied the woman's abdomen of its organs, then washed her body down with the garden hose.

Together, they packed the empty void of her abdomen with stuffing. When the last handful has been crammed into her belly, Bill began to sew the edges of the incision closed. He pushed the curved needle through her flesh, pulling the white cord from one side of the incision to the other, making a neat row of wide Xs down the center of her tummy. Linda rolled the long pan out of the oven, and together they hoisted Karen's body and laid it on the warm black metal. Surrounding her with spring potatoes, they pushed her body head first into the brick chamber and closed the iron door.

After Karen had been baking for several hours, Bill opened heavy iron door of the brick oven and pulled the long metal pan out. The aroma of cooking female flesh filled the barn. Her skin was just beginning to brown, taking on a deep golden-yellow color. He ladled up some of the drippings that had collected in a layer on the bottom of the pan, and poured it over the firm mounds of her breasts. The next ladleful was poured across her abdomen. The rich brown fluid dribbled over her glossy sides and between her thighs. He worked slowly down her legs, basting her carefully. The final ladle of juice was poured over her feet, and Bill watched the drippings trickle through her toes before pushing the pan back into the oven and closing the door.

"She's turning out nice and juicy..." he said to Linda when he returned to the kitchen.

They set the table.

By six that evening, Bill decided that Karen had been baked to perfection. He rolled the pan out of the oven, and onto a small cart to push back to the house. Once inside, they placed the tray on a small but sturdy end table.

Bill transferred a quantity of the thick drippings from the pan into a saucepan, added some flour and mushrooms sautéed in butter to make a thick brown gravy. Linda snipped the thin cords which held the long incision in Karen's browned belly closed. The edges of the cooked flesh pulled to the side slightly, revealing the stuffing saturated with her juices.

"Do you want to carve?" she said, handing Bill the knife.

"Which part would you prefer?" he said.

"Oh... thigh, I guess."

Bill cut through the crispy brown skin of the woman's thigh, sawing through the tender meat until the knife grated against bone. He cut three thick slices of flesh and placed them on Linda's plate. Then he carved out a thick filet from Karen's belly and carved off one of her breasts and placed them on his own plate.

"Like I had to guess which parts you'd pick..." Linda muttered.

She thrust a serving spoon into the stuffing, and dumped a large mound on his plate alongside the thick steak of abdomen. She spooned another large portion of stuffing onto her own plate.

Seating themselves at the table, they poured the thick gravy over the meat and stuffing.

Bill cut off a small piece of her belly, and placed it into his mouth. The woman's flesh was rich, superbly juicy and tender. Linda tried a slice of thigh meat. It was moist, delicate in taste. The stuffing was perfect; the bread had absorbed Karen's flavor and blended it with the onion and spices, while the tiny bits of celery were still ever so slightly crunchy.

They ate slowly, savoring each exquisite morsel of meat.