Change of the Tide

They walked hand in hand, slowly, along the deserted sea front, the soft early morning summer breeze comfortable against their skin. The sound of thrushes and skylarks venting their morning chorus to the birth of a new day seemed to add to the peaceful serenity of the occasion.


Moments like this, where the whole world was forced to take a back seat unaware of the precious togetherness they felt, were rare. Moments when all the prejudices they faced, the obstacles that stood in their way, the denials they had to depict, faded behind them like the long shadows cast by the dawning sun. Moments which all too often passed with agonizing and frustrating speed, in stark contrast to the long, empty wildernesses of time between their all too infrequent occasions of romantic encounter.


Strolling blithely along in contented silence they went, only the tender touch of entwined fingers providing unspoken communication between them. Each deep in their own thoughts of the moment they were sharing, fully aware that those thoughts were the same in each other, as one between them.


They stopped by a breakwater, the tide lapping at it’s base beneath them. He leant back against the cool rock and she tacitly nestled in to him, their arms instinctively holding each other as if protecting themselves against all the injustices the world had for them. He held her gently but with a powerfulness that was so manifest that she felt secure in his embrace. She felt his heart beat strong and reassuring against her cheek and the warm tinge of arousal shimmered inside her.


She freely allowed it to go unchecked, knowing that the pleasing sensation that flowed through her was a desired one, one that filled her with a warm bountiful pleasure, and knowing that he too would be experiencing identical awakenings of desire. She closed her eyes, as did he, and the world, so cruel as it was, so unforgiving and unrelenting, receded from them - pushed out of the existence of this brief undisturbed segment of time. They felt the love and the longing they shared, felt the unspoken loyalty that bonded them together, felt the strength and the respect that would never break.

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They held each other like this in peaceful isolated union, feeding upon the heightened emotions that flowed effortlessly between them, for what seemed a blissful eternity before they, as if each knowing what the other was thinking, separated slightly to come back to the unforgiving world as it really was. And as he looked down into her eyes, and she up into his, the globe of the new sun breached the horizon, giving birth to the new day. Their eyes appeared to sparkle like precious stones of undying love in the fresh shafts of morning sunlight and, engulfed by the pure emotion of the moment, their lips slowly but purposely met in the tenderest of tender kisses.


Neither knew whether it was the warmth of the new sun on their faces or just the instinct that love can bring, but both together felt a change that morning, and as their lips delicately tasted their sweet love, they sensed indeed that the beginning of this new day would see the tide turning for them.



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