An Angel Must Have Sent You

An Angel Must Have Sent You - A Lucky Poem by Salty Vixen :

An angel must have sent you to me,
a love so perfect it could not have been made here on this earth
The way your touch send chills through my whole body,
never wanting to leave the comfort of your arms

You may just have wings
and came down straight from heaven on your own
I can see right through your eyes,
feeling that you will always be by my side

I will give everything I have
everything I own
to make this last forever
I will give you my faith,
and trust that belongs to only you
I will give you my arms,
which you will have to always keep you warm
I will give you my body,
to satisfy your every need
I will give you my eyes,
which will only look upon you
I will give you my love
which I will give only you
I will give you my patience
to always listen and be sympathetic
I will give you my heart
which you alone will hold the key

There is no love that is like yours
so warm and trusting
so comfortable in your arms

If you are an angel
please leave your wings behind
so I may enjoy an eternity with you by my side

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