Christmas Calendar Chain Easy Holiday Craft

How long until Christmas? Here's a fun and easy craft way to keep track.

You will need:

• writing paper, about 6" by 6"

• construction paper, red and green

• crayons, markers, glitter, etc.

• scissors

• glue or paste

• pencil or pen

1. In your best handwriting, copy this poem below onto a sheet of writing paper.
Try to fit it neatly onto a 6-inch square sheet.

2. December first until Christmas

3.Is the longest time of the year.

4.It seems as though old Santa

5.Never will appear.

6.How many days until Christmas?

7.It's mighty hard to count.

8.So this little chain on links

9.Will tell you the exact amount.

Now draw a bell or star on construction paper. Use what ever color you like. Make it about 8-inches by 8-inches -- or a little larger than the sheet with the poem.

  1. Cut out your bell or star.
  2. Decorate all around the edges with markers, crayons, glitter, etc.
    Leave the center free so that the poem can be glued there.
  3. When the glue from your decorating is dry, glue the poem neatly in the center.
  4. Next make a chain.
    Cut red and green construction paper into 1-inch by 8-inch strips.
    Form one strip into a ring and glue it closed.
    Slip a second strip through the ring and glue it closed.
    Continue in this way to make your chain.
    You will need 24 links (rings) in your chain. One for each day until Christmas.
    Make a pretty pattern -- 2 red, 2 green, 2 red, 2 green -- or you might want to alternate the colors.
  5. Attach the completed chain to the bottom of your bell or star.
    Hang it on a wall or in a doorway.
  6. Everyday neatly tear off one of the rings. And before you know it.... Christmas!
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You can use this same idea any time you are waiting for a special day, your birthday, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving, the day Grandma arrives for a visit, or the day you leave on a trip! Just change the colors and design and have a link in your chain for each day you must wait. And the poem? Well write one of your own!

I'm waiting, waiting, waiting,

For Grandma to come.

It won't be very much longer

And we'll have lots of fun!

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