Romance Aroma Guide

In our user survey on, the second most important ingredient to a romantic room was its fragrance and aroma. Below we've listed a few of the literally thousands of scents that are known for their romantic qualities!

Flower Essences

Improve intimacy
Sticky Monkey Flower

Promote trust and commitment
Bleeding Heart
Evening Primrose
Blue Bell
Wedding Bush

Express your carefree side
Little Flannel Flower

Renew passion
Bush Gardenia

Essential Oils

Aphrodisiac Oils
Allspice Berry
Ambrete Seed (spicy/musky scent)
Bay Leaf (spicy scent)
Black Pepper (spicy scent)
Carnation (can irritate sensitive skin)
Chamomile (fruity scent)
Cinnamon (spicy)
Coriander (spicy)
Ginger (spicy)
Jasmine (floral)
Nutmeg (spicy)
Patchouli (woodsy)
Rose (floral -- don't use during pregnancy)
Sandalwood (woodsy)

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