Naughty Surprises For Your Lover Ideas

    • Welcome your lover in the nude or completely decked out in lingerie!
    • Visit them wearing only a trench coat.
    • Take after the movie, Varsity Blues, and wear a whipped cream bikini (this works both ways!!).
    • On your next "road trip" surprise your love with an unexpected sensual pleasuring.
    • Volunteer to be a human sundae.
    • Unexpectedly turn off all the lights, light a few candles then slowly begin to undress your partner and pleasure only them.

  • Surprise your love with a fun, sensual strip dance.
  • Tell your partner you've planned a great date night for them and instead spend the night playing sensually related games like Strip Poker ...mmm. strip poker! one of Salty Vixen's favorite games!
  • Pretend to be going somewhere and instead pull over to a secluded spot somewhere and make love in the car.
  • Wake your love up in the morning with a surprise sensual pleasuring.
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