The Lover’s Guide to Football

It can be the start of lonely times for many a wife when football season begins. Have you found that you're a football widow again? This year might be just the time to throw in the towel and take the opportunity to share in something your partner loves. Not only will you be showing your partner that you care about his interests, hopefully he'll take your cue and be a little more open to yours. Don't know a thing about the sport? Don't worry, we've got great ideas, printables, tips on game play and more to help you "get in the game" and who knows, you might actually like it!

Get ready for game day with some of these ideas!

Football Roulette

You'll Need:
Five index cards
Prizes or Determined Rewards

Take one of the index cards and cut it in half. Write your name on one and your partner's name on the other. On the other four cards write the words touchdown, field goal, punt, and turnover (one word on each card). Place each of these four cards in a row on a table. Before each drive (the entire time one team has possession of the ball) determine what you think the end result of that drive will be. Will it be a touchdown, field goal, punt, or turnover? Put your name on the card that matches your choice. Whoever picks the winning result gets a prize.

Prize Ideas:
Lottery tickets
Love coupons
1 minute massages
Points toward a bigger prize
More prize ideas!

*PDF - Football Roulette Printable Game Board (printable)

And the Winner Is…

Each week both of you pick who you think will win each game. On the Monday night game you'll also select what you think the score will be in case of a tie. Whoever wins each week has to do something for the other partner.

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Fantasy Sports

If you know enough about the sport, joining a fantasy league with your partner is a great way to get involved week to week. You can also set up a private league between just the two of you. Determine a prize for whoever wins at the end of the season or even each week. If you don't know enough about the sport, team up with your partner in a couple's league, or create your own.

Recommended Fantasy Football Leagues

Keeping The Peace

If you're really, really just not into football, there are other ways to maintain the peace...

  • First you'll both want to agree on how much time will be devoted to watching the sport. Try to make an agreement you're both happy with such as one day of the weekend will be spent doing something together.
  • If your partner watches football all day Sunday, make plans to meet for an early morning breakfast or go out to watch the late night game at a pub or sports bar together.
  • During Monday night games, make plans to hang out with the girls or spend some quality alone time doing a favorite hobby or catching up on things.
  • If your guy is a football addict, make a trade with him. You'll give him his football time without any complaint from you, if he'll do something in exchange for you. It could be anything from taking you out on a weekly date to doing a chore you hate.
  • Remember, the more open-minded you are to each other's interests, the better you will understand each other and find creative alternatives to spending time together.

Want to know more about the game?
Check out the (via Chick's Guide to Football!

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