Fan The Flames Love Game


Fan the Flames, a romantic game that has been around for a long time and still a date night favorite:

Synopsis: Designed for any two people who want to light the fires of romance and keep them burning, Fan The Flames is a romantic board game perfect for creating your own fireworks. Couples take turns guessing what their partner would do. If they are correct, you complete an action on a flame card. The first person to reach the Fireworks on the board wins a predetermined wish. Included in the game are 10 wish cards, 60 guess cards, 40 flame cards, two sets of answer cards, one board and 2 movers. Game created bTime For Two.

NOTE: you can buy it on Amazon 🙂

Sample cards...
Guess Card: Aphrodisiacs - ginseng, sensual images, pheromones - What might stir my amorous interests is something I could:
(A) Eat or drink (B) Smell (C) Touch (D) See

Flame Card: Double of nothing - you can't lose when you caress something I have "double" of:
(A) My lips (B) My checks (C) My ears (D) Your choice

He Said
This game is like the newly-weds game that you may have seen on television; only there are a lot of great little sensual rewards for each time you get an answer correct. All in all this is a great game to promote intimacy, sensuality, and communication that leads to a very rewarding encounter for the both of you.

She Said
While I enjoy playing the majority of the games I review, Fan the Flames is one I'd actually go out and buy. It is classically simple, sensual and very enjoyable to play. The smaller size box makes it perfect to pack on a quick getaway. From a women's perspective, I found this game very sensually fulfilling. I'm sure my husband felt the same!

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Final Verdict
A "romantic" must have.

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