No One Can Replace You

I want you to know that I love you… You are the one who is always there for me and most of all, you make me know that I am loved. There is not one person who completes me the way that you do. You mean everything to me. And when just the two of us are there, you won’t have to ask if I still care… because as time turns the page, my love won’t age at all.

There is nothing that I would not do for you and there is no one else I would want to share my life with. You are the reason I get up each morning and come to work, and you make me look at life with a new perspective. I have never met anyone as wonderful as you. I really miss you.

There are so many amazing things that I am thankful for I that I don’t know how to start as the number is infinity and beyond. You have been there for me through thick and thin and I thank you for giving me that opportunity to get to know you and for always being there for me. You mean so much to me, it's so unbelievable that I have someone such as you. Even when I am down you are there for me. Things have been so hectic that I could not have wanted anyone to be there for me but you. You have been the stability in my life and this is just a note to let you know that I love you.

My love, you are my whole universe. I love you for who you are and what you make of me when I am with you. There has never been anyone in my life whom I could have depended on through the tough times in my life. There are many times when you've taken what I was feeling upon yourself and I feel that it is not necessary, but I thank you for it, and I know now that I am important to you. There has never been a love that I could call love in the relationships I've had. There are so many things that I can thank you for but that will be impossible for me to do because there are so many ....

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My love, I really think that this time it is for real. No one can replace you and if anything happens to you, I don't know what I'd do without you. You are the one person that I love dearly. You are my life and everything revolves around you. You seem to hold my whole life in your hands. You always make the whole room light up when you enter it, and you just know how to be my star, but you're not my star ... you are my angel. Babe, there's nothing in this world that I would not do for you!

For I can’t help, falling in love with you,

Love, Salty Vixen

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