I Still Ache For You

Dear My Love,

As you know, my career takes me to many far away and exotic places that are filled with experiences most people can only imagine. I have been prepared for every new experience, but I never would have guessed that my life would change when I met a handsome angel.

When it was time for me to move on and continue on my journey I expected to miss you, but I did not expect to feel as though half of my soul had been ripped from me. It started our last morning together – the moment I knew I wouldn’t be waking up next to you again. I found myself honestly saying, “Why didn’t I get one more kiss before you left, or embrace you a little longer? Why didn’t I pull you close to me and take you to heaven one last time?”

I can’t believe how badly I ache for you right now. Thinking about it right now brings the feelings back all over again. I love the way you feel in my arms, so fragile yet so strong. I love the way your strong yet hands comfort me. I love the way your mouth makes awkward movements and gestures as you tell a story. I love you my darling.

Please don’t ever forget me and know that my heart will always have a piece just for you. Thank you for a month of memories I will never forget. They say time can fade feelings but during our time together I took a lot of pictures in my mind and they’ll be stored in my heart forever.

Love Always,

Salty Vixen

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