Flashers Series #1

Flashers are Stories of 100 words or less. Here are 4 fun stories 🙂 


Do you have anything to say before I impose sentence?"
"Yes, Your Honor. I didn't know it was a crime."
"It, Ms. Peabody? I believe 'it' is called 'fellatio."
"Yes, Your Honor. I didn't know fellatio was a crime."
"Your hotel room was visible to a stadium full of people."
"Yes, Your Honor."
"The curtains were open. The lights on."
"Yes, Your Honor."
"You had that rigid cock halfway down your throat."
"Yes, Your Honor."
"You could avoid the mandatory 30 day sentence."
"Yes, Your Honor?"
"Be in my chambers in 30 minutes. Give me a demonstration."
"Yes, Your Honor."

Tuxedos are the darnedest things. Suave, cool, sophisticated. Who could resist fucking a man in a tuxedo? I mean - have you ever heard the sound the zipper makes? Not like your average jeans zipper. No sir. A tuxedo zipper means business.

It has the sound of authority. It says 'I want you - and I want you now.' The cock behind the zipper is anxious - ready for action. Screw the black dress. The Dry Cleaner will love this. Fucking a tuxedo in an elevator is a bigger rush than bungee-jumping. Oops! Did I say fucking a tuxedo? I meant fucking you…

Hannah trembled with fear. She faced her own reflection in the mirror as she fumbled with the ribboned closure of her nightgown. She had once prided herself on her looks - in fact was quite vain. Now, she felt nothing but disdain for the body that had so recently betrayed her.

Noah appeared in the mirror behind her. He pushed the nightgown from her shoulders. His fingers gently traced the ugly scars that criss-crossed her chest where once her breasts had been.

Read this hot story:
Love in an Elevator (Erotic Flash Fiction)

"They were nothing but bits of flesh. It was always you I loved. That will never change."

"You told me this thing would keep me company while Bill is gone."
"Yes. I use mine all the time. What's the problem?"
"It doesn't work. I don't understand what you see in it."
"You mean you didn't get off?"
"I didn't get anything. It was a waste of time and money."
"Show me what you did. Maybe you just need a few pointers in technique."
"Like this - around my clit, across my nips, into my cunt. Nada. Nothing."
"Can I take a look at it?"
"Sure - here."
"I think you'll find it more effective if you install the batteries."

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