Smooth Lovers

In the beginning, they were two separate entities, who truly had no true chance of ever meeting in the real world. But, they both belonged to a uniquely new and different world, a cyber world. In this cyber world, people from the far reaches of the earth could now meet and converse.

And thus the story begins.

He was curious to meet, and chat with other shavers, but most specifically, with shavers who lived in the same part of the shaven kingdom as he did.

He was destined to be famous, was the gallant and intrepid young man, yet all he sought was some friends of the cyber kingdom with which to share his thoughts and feelings. He decided to post his message seeking cyber companions, in the kingdom's well-known method of communication, the forum.

When the lady read the message, she was at first unsure. She had led a truly sheltered life, and to contact a complete stranger was something she would never have done in the past. But this was a new day, a new world, and she was determined to start a new life, with a new outlook. And thus she took
a deep breath, and replied to the young man's message.

He answered her quite promptly through his cyber mail. He sounded, through his written words, quite nice and they discovered that both had another form of communication. And thus they began conversing quite regularly, using cyber app that is similar to facebook....

In the beginning, they talked about computers, her art, and their work outside of their castles. She learned that he very cleverly manipulated computers to control the exact mixes needed to make her Christmas turkey quite plump for her family to feast upon. He shared with her the details of the complicated process, and he did not laugh when she felt sorry for the "poor turkeys." And he listened while she talked of being a nurse and working with children.

He took her pictures and created a web page to show off her paintings and drawings. Many of their friends from the kingdom saw these and complimented her. He said it was "nothing, no problem" when she thanked him for his kindness. Of course, at that time, to her still untutored mind, she had no idea just how complicated these strange languages that can be heard and read in the cyber world really were. As he spoke of  computer coding, she would say "yes" and "oh" and not have the slightest idea what he spoke of. And he was ever so patient with her lack of understanding, explaining slowly, and over, and over again..."when she just didn't "get it!"

And thus their cyber friendship grew.

Who ever really knows when things change?

She began talking to him more and more, missing him when he was called to other parts of the kingdom at the strange hours of the day or night. They began talking of more serious subjects, sharing their deeper thoughts, his goals for his life, her plans for her day.

Meanwhile, the Queen of the Kingdom, Queen Suzanna (whom many believe is truly related to the ancient Egyptian Royal family), had decreed that her shaven subjects join together to share their opinions, experiences, through another cyber medium, known as "facebook, Tiktok and more...." And thus it came to be that on Sundays, shavers from all over her wildly diverse kingdom came to "chat."

The topics varied greatly from what everyone had in common, to new interests, to one day a rather raucous version of the infamous game, truth or dare, were played. To say a good time was had by all shall have to suffice, to protect the innocent.

It was during these group chats that our smooth friends began enjoying private messages and other "chit-chat." The lady was "dared" on that fateful Sunday, to reveal a fantasy of hers.

And thus was born the "shared fantasies" of our smooth couple.

Now to keep our story accurate, we must interject that at this point, the lady was "not yet smooth." She wanted to be smooth; nay, she even longed to be smooth. But she had decided that the "entering of the smooth lifestyle kingdom" should be an "event" shared by a loved one.

The lady stayed firm, despite the upheaval this caused some of the kingdom's shaven subjects. She wanted the "denuding" to be a memorable occasion,
one she could cherish and hold dear to her heart over time. She had learned through the years that one must compromise on many things we want. Our goals, our ideals, our plans all tend to be whittled away, changed through compromise until sometimes we hardly remember or recognize them for what they once were. And with this little fantasy, well, she would not compromise.

Now to continue…

The lady was asked to print her "fantasy" to the forum for all to read and enjoy. And so she sat with her modern "cyber quill" (keyboard) and put "The Portrait" into words. While she wrote it, she could not help but imagine her handsome cyber friend as her "subject" of the portrait. She had his picture and the words slowly came to resemble his features, the phrases describing his personality.

Amid the hubbub created by the first fantasy, the young man had been entreated upon to put his own fantasy (involving an infamous princess from a faraway land in the sun) into words also. Well, this fantasy was well received by all except the lady. She felt a pang of something, and emotion, that she did not know or recognize, feelings that had never been felt by her before.

But upon reading his fantasy, the lady sat herself down and wrote another fantasy. In this one though, she told of her real-life, "dreamed for" fantasy. Her shaver was tall, broad-shouldered, had dark reddish- brown wavy hair, and his eyes were a tender golden-brown. And when she closed her eyes, it was his face she saw his hands she dreamed of touching and tenderly caressing her soft, white skin.

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And when he read her story, he decided to "answer" her fantasy with one of his own.

After this, quite naturally, things between the cyber friends began to change. Their conversations became different, deeper, more personal, more searching. And then, he wanted to hear her voice.

Ooh! She felt flutters in her tummy at this suggestion. She longed to hear his voice also. But she knew that sometimes, such conversations could escalate rapidly, and emotions get out of control. And still, she agreed.

She anxiously waited the shrill ringing of the telephone that would signal his call. While she knew in her mind that the time had come for the cyber and real worlds to finally touch, she was still very nervous and full of foreboding and worries. Finally, the telephone gave a shrill trill for her attention. She picked it up on the second ring, not stopping to ponder if that would seem too eager… she just didn't care! Her voice cracked a bit when she spoke a  soft"hello."

And at long last she heard his deep, rumbling tones as he spoke a simple "hi" to start. His voice released the million butterflies that were beating madly in her tummy. She lay on her bed in the dark, listening to his voice weave magic and unravels secrets in her mind and her soul.

He was a gentleman through out. He never said an "untoward or suggestive" word to her. They talked in muted whispers, straining at times
to catch the other's whispered words. They laughed about some things, talked seriously about others. She lost track of time; she only knew that her ear grew hot against the phone by the time they finally said goodbye. She complimented on being such a gentleman, and he replied that he was "only being himself, which was the only way he knew how to be."

Time passed rapidly for her at times, but dragged at others. Before long, they were to meet finally in the month of November. But then, as most things do when emotions become involved, that time seemed eons away as their relationship continued to deepen. It was decided that he would come instead in October, on her birthday.

The day finally arrived.

The sunshine was bright, the day crisp, but not cold at all. She waited anxiously for his arrival, popping up and down off her sofa at every creak, whistle of wind or slamming of a door. When he finally arrived (having missed the turn off), she rushed out to stand on the front porch Her eager green eyes devoured every iota of information they could gather as he rose slowly from his noble gray steed. (She later learned that the steed was old, but it had a great deal of heart and stamina than many steeds much younger and with fewer wear and tear on them.)

Oh my! He was so tall! To a lady of 5 foot and 2 inches, this noble man was probably a foot taller than she was. He pushed back his hair with one hand, then tucked his burgundy and gray shirt into his gray slacks with the other. She knew she was grinning at him, but she couldn't suppress her joy at finally seeing him with her own eyes. He walked right up to her, and folded her into his strong embrace.

A long moment later they kissed.

Here things blur somewhat in the recounting of the story, but she remembers above all, the feeling of being "home" when he held her in his arms.

Her gallant friend presented her with a dozen red roses to grace her home in honor of her birthday. They attended the birthday celebration, feasting on rare delicacies such as "Hawaiian pizza" and cake and ice cream. When asked what she had wished for upon blowing out the candles, the lady simply smiled and replied that her "wish had already come true."

Through out the evening, they exchanged furtive glances, shy smiles and hidden touches to a hand, an arm, perhaps a knee. He quickly discovered her ticklish spot, just behind her knees. There was no way she could suppress the giggles that escaped her throat whenever he touched her there, and then she blushed when everyone turned to look at her for her out of place laughter.

When the first party maker yawned just slightly after the eleventh hour, she couldn't help but sign with relief. She thought later perhaps she had stood too quickly when someone suggested the party end. And not once did she protest, or try to prolong anyone's leave-taking

As the quiet descended around them, they settled on her flowered divan. He put his arm around her shoulders. She couldn't help but curl into his masculine warm embrace like a kitten desiring to be stroked. They talked for awhile, and sometimes were just silent. With one mind though, they soon retired to her bedchambers.

As the darkness of night enclosed around them, they became lovers, besides being friends.

When dawn's light finally was able to awaken the slumbering lovers, they decided to start the day with a nice, long hot shower. The shower washed the sleep from their eyes, and invigorated them to follow their shared passion… smoothness.

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