169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Honking Good Idea
It was my boyfriend’s birthday, and I wanted to do something to make it a little exciting. So, in the wee hours of the morning, I snuck over to his house and planted a giant wooden birthday cake on his front lawn. One side greeted him as he walked out the door with "Happy Birthday Derek", the side facing the road read "Honk for Derek's birthday!" We live in a small town, and everyone knows him, so people were honking all day long. He loved it!
--submitted by Dbear

Hot Tub Surprise
It's my boyfriend’s birthday in a few weeks and he once told me that nobody has ever surprised him in his life. They have tried, but he has always had a feeling it was coming. When we started dating, he told me that he would love to rent a hot tub one day. So I went out and called many different places, finally finding someone close by that rents them out. I booked one for the Saturday after his birthday, so he won’t suspect anything. I’m going to tell him to pick me up about 1 1/2 hours before the actual hot tub party. We’ll go out, rent a movie, and when we get back we'll go straight downstairs and get the movie ready. Then, I’m going to tell him about a new swing set that my dad set up in the back yard and take him out to see it. So, we'll go out, and I’ll make some noise so everyone waiting in the hot tub knows we're coming. I’ll turn the light on and open the door to all of our friends in the hot tub. There will be mini lights and streamers around the tub. I KNOW he will be surprised! My friend is also bringing a photo birthday cake with pictures of him as a child! I’m so excited!
--submitted by Anonymous

Hotel Delight
On my husband's birthday, two years ago, I arranged a special treat. That morning, I purchased a hotel room and decorated it with candles around the hot tub and balloons and presents scattered around the room and bed. Crepe paper was everywhere. I also brought a jam box and his favorite CD's. That evening, I blindfolded him and drove around in circles, back and forth, all over the place to confuse him. Finally, after an hour, (the hotel was only an 1/2 hour away in actuality) I "led" him to the hotel room. He had no idea where he was and other guests did look at us a bit strangely. Was he ever surprised! You can imagine it led to a very romantic evening!
--submitted by Anonymous

Incense Bouquet
It was his birthday. We had been seeing each other for about three months. He once told me he likes things that are "simple but nice." I found out that he likes to burn incense at home, so I got a dozen of different color incense sticks. I made roses out of tissue paper and tied them on the top of the incense sticks, wrapped them up with more tissue paper and a ribbon. I just loved how his eyes glowed when he saw the bouquet! =)
--submitted by HamsterGirl

Inspired By Children's Songs
I will never forget.. for my husband’s birthday, I was inspired by our two sons and their television shows. One thing I gave him was a CD with all children’s songs on it. Example: “You've Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story and “You Are My Sunshine” from a children’s choir. He loved it and still plays it for fun every now and then.
--submitted by Sara

Just Met And His Birthday Is Coming ...
I'm with this wonderful, attentive, creative guy, but we have only been together for three weeks. His birthday was a few days ago. Naturally, I didn't know what to get, how much to spend and so on, so I looked around sites like this. I suddenly thought of giving him a kite. Or rather, the string, paper, glue and crayons to make and decorate the kite. So on his birthday he opened his presents. I had wrapped each thing individually and gave him first one thing, like it was the only thing I'd gotten for him - imagine getting string for your birthday - then I'd grin and give him the next thing - still hiding the rest - until all elements were there so he could guess what we'd be doing out in the sunshine on the next blustery day ahead! We went yesterday and had a great time (a great picnic too) and got to know each other even better!
--submitted by Anonymous

This can be used for an Anniversary or a Birthday or whatever else you can think of to use it for. I did this about 1 1/2 years ago but I think he liked it and he still has them: on my Honey's birthday, I got the little mini yellow Post-It notes and kissed them with some lipstick that would stand out for every day we've been together. It ended up being close to 300 of them! And then I kissed an extra 18 for his birthday and posted them all over his pickup windshield and side windows. I baked him some of his favorite cookies and wrote him a note describing what the notes meant and put it on his doorstep. When he came home he was so surprised. My lips were a little chapped from kissing so many Post-It notes, but it was worth it. Hope you like this idea.
--submitted by Brittany

Read this hot story:
Give A Rebus Love Poem

Literary Love Potpourri
My boyfriend is an English/Religious Studies major at school with me. He is super sensitive and has a sweet tooth for beautiful poetry. For his birthday last year I bought a black paper notebook and a huge pack of those neon gel pens. Then I went to a local used bookstore and got old poetry textbooks for cheap. Each night I sat down and went through some of each book and chose poems that I felt expressed our love...and wrote them in the book, each in a different color ink, until I filled all 180 pages with beautiful poetry. I even made a friendship bracelet for a bookmark...to remind us that true love has its roots in friendship. Then I decorated the front of the journal in my own artwork, and on the inside cover I glued a picture of us together and wrote the date (his Birthday) along with a poem I had attempted to write myself. He was so moved that he actually cried! He practically sleeps with the thing!
--submitted by Morgan Smith

Local Vacation
On my last birthday, my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to San Francisco. I don't have nearly the same funding that he does, but knew he was dying for a "Vacation." Luckily, his birthday was on a Friday and I could use the whole weekend for my plans. Friday morning when he left for work, I pretended to sleep the extra hour that I am afforded. I jumped out of bed as soon as he left and packed his suit case with everything I knew he would need for a weekend getaway. He met me after work that night and I took him to dinner at a nice, quiet restaurant. He thought that was the end of the celebration, but it had just begun. I told him that I had to stop over somewhere else for a surprise and then “promised” he could go to bed - he was exhausted from a long work week. After a short drive, he realized we were in a different part of town that we had never really explored together. His confusion grew as I pulled up to an old, expensive resort and told him to get his suitcase out of the trunk. I had lucked out and found out that the resort was having discounts on their rooms for the weekend. That weekend he got a discounted professional massage/male manicure from the spa. We went to nice local restaurants he'd never tried, and explored that area of the city as a tourist. A lot of time was spent inside the room, too. Fluffy towels, big bathtub to soak in, Egyptian cotton sheets - he was in heaven from the luxurious relaxation and was so happy that I knew it was just what he needed. On that Sunday, I had planned a picnic (the front desk helped me keep everything refrigerated). But it rained that day, so we brought everything into the room and had an indoor picnic instead. By the time Monday rolled around, we both felt as if we had been gone from home for a week!
--submitted by Anne

Long Distance Birthday Box
I was in Italy when boyfriend's birthday came around. He was really sad about it, so I planned his birthday gift a month before and organized it with his and my mom to carry it out while I was away. I was a little low on money; but I managed to make something big. I got a huge box and wrapped it with some really nice paper, inside I placed 18 of his favorite things (because he was turning 18). He loves the way my hair smells, so I placed a little bottle of my shampoo. He plays the drums, so I got him a small toy drum. I made him a collage of all his favorite bands and so on. You don't really have to give them what they like, but something that symbolizes it. Anyway, my mother went to his house and left it on his bed (with the help of his mom) and placed 18 balloons around his room. He was so happy; he called me right away! He still has all the things around his room!
--submitted by Amanda

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