169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Funny Bunny
It was my wife's 27th birthday. She loves the Easter Bunny and has since she was a kid. Even though her birthday is not on Easter, I rented a huge Easter bunny costume and showed up the morning of her birthday at the door. I knocked and when she opened the door I had an Easter basket full of candy with a clue in it. The clue led her to six different places; most of which meant a lot to both of us. They were the place we met, the place we went on our first date, the place I proposed, the place we were married, a beauty salon where she got her nails and a pedicure and ended at her favorite restaurant. I didn't talk to her the whole time to leave a little suspense as to if it was really me. At every place we went there were another clue and a present. It was pretty funny walking around the mall with her while I was dressed that way doing cartwheels and playing with kids. I embarrassed her the whole time, but she loved it. Once we were at dinner I went to the bathroom and changed into a suit and then came back and was finally able to talk to her. After four hours of not being able to talk I had a lot to say, mostly how much I loved her.
--submitted by Brian

Gifts Of Love
When I was dating my boyfriend. For his birthday, which was on the 10th, I gave him a small gift each day until the day of his birthday,and then I gave him, his big gift. He loved it he said no one had ever done anything special for him like that before.
--submitted by Rita

Giving Her The World
For her birthday, I wanted to do something special. Unfortunately, my funds were low. So I thought, "What would she really like?" I went to Google Earth. I downloaded the free version and put place markers in locations that we had shared as a couple and places that she had loved to visit. Also, I marked places that she always had dreamed of going. It didn't cost me anything but a couple hours, but it was well worth it. When I presented it to her, I took her on a virtual tour like it was a worldwide road trip. While we looked at the globe, I was playing her favorite love songs on the computer. She absolutely loved it. She, then, proceeded to show me how much!
--submitted by D

Going Overboard
Here’s a good idea for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries etc.: Choose something your mate can't get enough of, and go way overboard! My husband is a microwave popcorn-o-holic ... for Christmas, I bought him cases and cases of microwave popcorn, stacked on top of each other, and wrapped up as one gift! He loved it!
--submitted by Heather

Happy Birth "Day"
One day I met my boyfriend for lunch and gave him a happy birth "day" card and present. He was really confused about what the card and present meant, until he saw that he had turned 14,000 days old! I had gone into a spreadsheet program and calculated how many days some of my family and friends had been alive for and am now going to "surprise" them with a Birth "day" card at each significant date (e.g. 12,500 days old, 13,000 days old etc.).
--submitted by Anonymous

Happy Ferrari To You
My wife was turning thirty and I could tell it was playing on her mind. I wanted to give her three things on her birthday that would distract her from “turning thirty” and keep her busy all day. First I cleared it with her boss to have the day off, but she didn’t know it and went to work that morning. After she left for work I drove over to a prearranged appointment and rented her a bright red Ferrari for 24 hours and drove it to her office and parked it so she could see the car from the office window. I went in to her office and toss her the keys. She was really surprised, but started to say she had to work all day. When I told her she had the day off with her boss’s permission she was ready to go. She gave several friends rides in the parking lot then we headed for the mountains and all the great twisting roads.

At one point I asked her to stop the car so I could take pictures of her in a Ferrari. She had modeled before and she had the look along with the Rocky Mountains in the back ground the pictures were incredible. She said it was my turn to have my picture taken, so I sat in the car while she took pictures. When she was getting the camera ready I hung a special made gold charm with the Ferrari prancing horse and a Ruby from one of the switches on the dash. After taking my picture I got out of the car and held the door for her to get back in. She immediately saw the charm which brought tears to her eyes.

After spending the day touring the mountains we drove back to town. I told her we should show the car to our good friend, so we drove over to his apartment. There was a note on his door saying he was at the pool next to the club house. When we arrived all of her friends were in the club house for a surprise party. The party continued on until about midnight. As we were driving away we both realized that we had not had anything to eat since lunch in a small town in the mountains. We decided to drive through a McDonalds for a quick burger and fries. We laugh so hard when all the workers had their faces pressed against the windows looking at the Ferrari in the drive through. The evening finished with me dumping half my fries in the car and us laughing again at what the next person might find under the seat in the Ferrari. I accomplished my mission which was to keep her so busy she didn’t have time to worry about turning thirty, the car for a day, the charm and the party did the trick.
--submitted by Anonymous

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Hawaiian Birthday Surprise
Well, my girl friend is a hard working lady and for that reason we hardly have time together to share. Her birthday is in November, and I decided to surprise her. I went to her boss and told him to give her a travel assignment sending her somewhere in Hawaii to meet a business client. On her way there, I decided to make the flight pleasant by making sure she was boarded on a first class service flight. Upon reaching Hawaii, there was a ride waiting for her that drove her to an island beach. There, I had arranged for her friends and her family to gather upon her arrival. Everything looked normal but instead of a business plan it turned out happily to be a surprise birthday party for her!
--submitted by Uce Amadi

Heart Shaped Pancake Birthday Breakfast
I want to start by saying that I'm not the romantic in our relationship - he is. We've been together for a little over 9 months and I figured that with all the special things he's done for me I would do “everything” I could for his birthday. He had to work from 8-4 that day, so the night before I told him that we wouldn't be able to get together - he would just have to stay at his place. That night I bought flowers and balloons. I got up early the next morning and made heart shaped pancakes with a cookie cutter and placed them in no particular pattern on a plate. I then went to his office before he got there (they're opened 24 hours so I had no trouble getting in) and placed the flowers and balloons on his desk and set out the pancakes with maple syrup, a napkin, silverware, a wine glass (filled with milk) and a cheesy card that I knew would make him laugh. I didn't stay around to see what happened, but was told by co-workers of his that he lit up! Then, while he was working, I drove to Panera Bread (his favorite restaurant) and got us some portabella paninis and packed them in a picnic basket along with a chocolate birthday cake. I hid it in the back of my Jeep and when he got off work I told him that I wanted to take him somewhere special. We left for a lake that held special memories for us. He got out of the Jeep and I pulled out the basket of goodies and we had the most romantic picnic in the park.
--submitted by Jayde

Hide and Seek Proposal
My boyfriend and I have been together since we were in the 9th grade. We are now currently sophomores in college. Every year since we have been going out on my birthday, he takes me out to dinner and then sends me on a treasure hunt. The treasure hunt takes me all around town until I get to the one spot where the surprise is. It is always something creative and fun, but this year at the spot there was a huge box that was taller then me. When I started unwrapping it the boxes got smaller and smaller. There were probably like 30-40 boxes. When I got to the last box, I opened it and found two plane tickets to Greece (my favorite country in the world) and a piece of paper that said turn around. He was standing behind me with something behind his back. He walked up got on one knee and asked me to marry him! It was the best birthday present ever and the trip was amazing. What started out as a game of treasure hunt turned into the best moment of my life!
--submitted by Kally

His Night
On my boyfriend’s birthday he had to work, so I had him come to my place after he got off work. During the day, while he was at work, I had my mom help me set up a picnic around our pool in the backyard. We had bought two tiki torches and put them up. Then we set up a blanket with a candle in the middle of it. I had wine and wine glasses set up and in another little glass, cherries. I also had chocolate cake. My boyfriend came over while I was still getting ready so he was kind of confused. I told him to walk out back. When he opened the back door, he saw lights and a single balloon floating around that said “I love you”. When we walked to the picnic area, I had a Destiny's Child song playing “Birthday”. He was so happy! We danced all night to different songs and fed each other cherries. It was the best night!
--submitted by Danielle

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