169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Cracker Jacks
I still remember what my dad did for my mom on Valentine's Day a long time ago, and I still think it is the sweetest thing ever. He opened the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box and found the prize. He removed the cheap prize and replaced it with a gold and diamond slide for her necklace. He then resealed it with a thin piece of tape and glued the bottom of the box down. When he gave it to my mom she was so angry ... my dad just went around the bedroom singing the Cracker Jacks theme song. At the end he would shout a line from the song, "… and a PRIZE!" Finally, my mom caved and opened the box. When she got to the prize, she was so overwhelmed that she started crying. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen and I still think that would be a good way to propose too!
--submitted by Casey

Cuddling With The Sunset
My boyfriend was turning 18 on his birthday. He is very sensitive and romantic. He loves sunsets, scavenger hunts, and just cuddling. But the problem was that we had no where to go to just be alone. That's what he really wanted for his birthday. Well, I'm lucky enough to have a sister who owns the highest point in our town; the absolute best place to watch a beautiful sunset. The next problem was that my sister was at home! So, the only other place was the barn she has there. Then I remembered the loft in the barn – it’s just a small room. I cleaned it up and put candles, kisses, and love notes all around. I also put kisses on the ladder leading up to the room. Luckily there's a window up there that just happens to be facing the sunset! That was great. But before I showed him the room I sent him on a scavenger hunt. I don't have that much money but I knew he'd wanted a violin. I saved up and got him one, and a few other dollar items that I knew he would like - candies and things. I gave him a love note and put a clue to where his big present was. I also included a scrambled word in it (he loves anagrams) telling him where the next clue and present would be. He had so much fun with the hunt. After the hunt we sat down (alone), cuddled, and watched the most beautiful sunset I think I've ever seen. He loved it. He still thanks me for it.
--submitted by Kitty Cat

Daily Birthday Countdown
My boyfriend turned 21 on the 21st of October and I wanted to make it memorable. So, everyday that month leading up to his birthday I sent him an email that said "Happy Birthday, I love you!" in a different language. He thought it was great and really enjoyed receiving them.
--submitted by Sarah

Dinner And Surprises
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 7 months and I want to surprise him by making a dinner and then some, for him. I don't have too much money. He thinks that his birthday isn't important but I want him to know that it is and he is important. We both go to the same college and I am going to make a banner that says "Happy Birthday (Name), I Love You!" I am going to leave homemade heart shaped cookies on a table at school where I know he will get them. I am also leaving one of many cards which I will give to him throughout the day. The first says "Roses are Red..." The second card says "Violets are blue..." The third says "Sugar is sweet (but you are the sweetest)... And the banner that I made says "That is why I did all of this for you." I am going to pick him up later in the day and give him a fourth card. Then I will take him to my house where I will ask him to go to the fridge and get me a drink where he will find another card. This one will tell him to go to the dining room where I will have a fire and a candle-lit dinner ready to go. After dinner, I will leave a note telling him to go upstairs to my room. At my door I am going to have streamers hanging from the doorway and inside, I will have 100 balloons filled up, with 22 of them (his age) filled with love coupons that I made. (Don't forget to leave a needle in one of the cards so that he can pop the balloons). On my wall I will have a banner that says, "That is why I did all of this for you." I know that he will like it because he will know that I put so much time into doing all of this for him. He always says that when I do something for him it shows how much I love him.
--submitted by Lolly

Read this hot story:
Give A Rebus Love Poem

Dinner and Dancing
I will never forget, for my sweet sixteenth birthday, my boyfriend was determined to make it totally memorable. He picked me up in a limo and we drove to a big abandoned warehouse. I had no idea what was going on but when I walked in, there was a ramp leading into the warehouse. Along the entire edge of the ramp were rose tealite candles surrounded by different colored rose petals. At the end of the ramp, in the center of the large room, he had set a beautiful candlelit dinner with a bottle of wine in the center. He also set up, on a platform, a big rug with a cd player so we could dance. The best part was, he bought me a beautiful dress that I had been wanting for a very long time. He was wearing a suit and we had a wonderful, romantic time. Afterwards, we drove back to my house where there was a big surprise party waiting. It was the best birthday I ever had!
--submitted by Anonymous

Dinner for 2
On her birthday, tell her that you have chosen a dinner for 2. Don't tell her all your plans. Set up a candle light dinner for 2 at a cozy restaurant with some light music in the background. A bouquet of mixed coloured roses delivered to her with a nice birthday card while having champagne. Returning home, have some romantic song played, with fire burning to keep each other warm, just cuddle and enjoy every moment together. She will know how much you really love.
--submitted by Jasbeer

Elmo Loves You!
I was trying to think of something I could get my boyfriend for his birthday that would show him how much I loved him. I found a children's book at the store titled, "Elmo Loves You!" I thought it was the cutest thing. The book is a poem about how much Elmo loves you. Everywhere it had "Elmo" I crossed it our and put my name. On every picture of Elmo I cut out a picture of myself from different events that we were at together. I made them about the same size as Elmo's head, and made it fit onto his body. It is so cute! Especially on the last page where I put a picture of me and him, and it says, " Chelsey is a happy monster!" He thought it was really sweet that make him something. It was definitely worth the time! It is also something that he can keep forever to remind him of his 21st birthday.
--submitted by Chelsey

Fairy Tale Mushroom
My boyfriend always knew that all I wanted was to be a fairy and live in a mushroom. So for my birthday he made me a paper mache mushroom about a quarter size of a 5"4 person. It was really sweet
--submitted by Anonymous

Family Photo Album
During our second year of marriage, I had some problems with my in-laws. My husband thought that that I hated them. I needed to do something to show him otherwise. For his birthday, I got some of his family pictures from his sister (he didn’t have any), and I copied them and put them in a nice photo album. The album begins with his pictures from when he was a baby and ends with the last picture taken of his mother before she died a few years ago. I also copied a large picture of his mom and put it in a frame. He cried and told me it was the most wonderful gift he ever received.
--submitted by Aveen

Fill In An Extra Large Card
Well, it was my boyfriend's birthday and I wanted to do something special to let him know how much I love him, but I was on a pretty low budget. So, I went to my grocery store and bought one of those huge, oversized cards. It had a big heart on it that said I love you inside it. Inside the card I wrote words like love, appreciation, trust, confidence, different, grateful, etc., in all different sizes and colors until the whole card was full. Then I wrote in black, "I had to get a bigger card because I knew that it would be impossible to fit all the words that remind me of you in a normal one. I love you." It only cost me about 5 bucks and he really liked it.
--submitted by Alexandria

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