169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Birthday Wake-Up Call
This works well if you don't live together, but are still nearby. On the night before (or the morning of) your love’s birthday put a “Happy Birthday” banner across the windshield of their car and tie a bunch of balloons to their antenna (make sure you put a balloon weight on it). Slide a card under his/her door and tie another balloon to the door knob. When I did this I sprinkled confetti in front of the car and house door also. At 5 am, when he was on his way to work, he was so surprised! He said he smiled every time he thought about it.
--submitted by Mesha

Birthday Webpage
My boyfriend is back home, and I live away at college. His birthday was coming up, and I didn't have enough money to buy him a nice gift. So, I made a special web page for him. The first page, had his name and the date he was born and all that. It had stuff about him (with pictures), like his zodiac sign, his birthstone, etc. On the second page, I put poetry and love quotes and things like that, along with nice graphics of course. On a third page I put photos of us and I put our song on it along with the appropriate background that went with the song. On the 4th a page I wrote that he had another surprise waiting when I saw him. I sent him a birthday card and included the web page address on it. And then, on his birthday, I gave him his 3rd gift. This would be a good idea not only for birthdays but for any occasion.
--submitted by Diane

Birthday Weekend Of Surprises
My husband yet again surprised me for my birthday. I was 5 months pregnant and not feeling very into it so. When I got home from work he had our bags packed and he blindfolded me and took me to a hotel far from our home. He had a suite for us with a chocolate cake waiting for me. We had the suite for the entire weekend, so the next day he took me shopping for maternity clothes and then that night he surprised me with tickets to the Kings and Queens of Comedy show. Then that Sunday he took me to dinner. It truly was an unforgettable weekend.
--submitted by Torrie

Blanket Surprise
My boyfriend and I went to see fireworks for a festival we had in our small town. He offered to bring blankets for us to sit on the grass, but for some reason he wouldn't let me carry either of them. As the night progressed and we got our food and sat down to start watching the fireworks he unfolded one blanket and we both laid down on it, my head on his shoulder. Towards the end of the night, he asked me if I was getting cold and if I wanted another blanket to cover up with. I was kind of chilly so I said yes, and as I unfolded the blanket, I unfolded my birthday present. A beautiful pearl necklace and earrings!
--submitted by Anonymous

Blanket for My Soldier
My boyfriend's birthday was coming up so I decided to give him something really special. I've always believed that a homemade gift beats a store bought gift any day. His birthday coincides with when he will be going away to basic training for the army. So, I decided to make him something that he could take with him. I'm a big knitter, so I decided to knit him a blanket. I knitted 28 12 by 12 inch squares alternating a black square with a colorful shade of blue. This blanket took me nearly 2 months to make. I slept with it the night before I gave it to him so my scent would stay on it. I finally gave it to him on his birthday and he absolutely loved it. He sleeps with it every night. He even wrote me a letter from camp saying all the boys were jealous.
--submitted by Anonymous

Bringing The Birthday Party To Work
Unfortunately my boyfriend had to work during his birthday one year. He worked at Exxon and was pulling the closing shift. He was not happy about it. So I took him out the weekend before (his actual birthday was on a Monday so it worked out) and made him think that I was celebrating his birthday that way. What he didn't know was that while he couldn't go to his birthday on Monday, I was planning to bring his birthday to him. I don't have a car but I do have a key to his. A few days before, I ordered a nice sized cake and went around town gathering all the party stuff - plates, cups, plastic ware, and a couple of gifts. The night of his birthday, after he went to work, I went over and took his truck when he wasn't looking. He never knew it was missing. I drove it to pick up the cake and get the stuff from my apartment. I had also gotten a bunch of balloons and roses. I got a small cheap gift, like a tool or something and I made a nice small dinner to bring into the gas station first to fool him. So I went in and gave him the dinner and tool and wished him happy birthday. He was still bummed out. Then I asked if I could get into his car for something to really throw him off. He just shrugged and handed me his key. The next thing he knew I was walking back in with a couple of friends, a cake, balloons, gifts, the whole works. His co-worker loved it too because she got free cake. He was so shocked that I think he would have cried if it wasn't for the fact that so many people were around. He still counts it as one of his best birthdays.
--submitted by Amanda

Read this hot story:
Give A Rebus Love Poem

Build Your Own Lamp
I didn't have very much money to spend on a birthday present for my girlfriend, but I really wanted to show her I care about her. She loves the movie Monsters Inc., and she calls me her kitty. So I bought a talking stuffed figure of the character from the movie and a do-it-yourself lamp kit. I cut a little hole in the back of the stuffed animal, slid a metal stand rod and wires under its back, with the light and lampshade just above his head. I pulled it low and glued his hand to it, so it looked like he was looking out from underneath the lamp shade, like a scene from the movie. I left it at her work, with him holding balloons and a card I made. Next to it was a box of her favorite cookies that she can never find at any of our stores (I called some stores in nearby cities and found them). She was so surprised that she started crying, and to this day the girls at her work still remember me as the guy who made the cutest lamp for his girlfriend.
--submitted by Kenny

CD Collection- back in the. day - still romantic today.
My boyfriend's car was broken into a week before his birthday, and he was devastated. Unfortunately I was broke, so I couldn't help him out at all. When I found out that all of his CDs were stolen too, I decided to be creative! I bought a pack of 30 blank CDs and a CD case. I went through all of the songs on my computer and burned him songs that he had before, and songs that he didn't. I put them all in order in the CD case, and the last one was titled "I love you!" The songs that were on it were the songs that reminded me of him. By the time I was done, I had been working on it for about a week! I zipped up the CD case and wrapped it up. When he un-wrapped it, he just looked at it and said, "Thanks!" But then I told him to unzip it and he was so surprised! He loved it! And now, he leaves the "I love you" CD in his CD player all the time and puts it on when he wants to be romantic with me.
--submitted by Kimberly

Cherishing Every Thought Of You
When my husband turned 31 we had a wonderful dinner and a beautiful evening filled with so much love and admiration. I was overwhelmed with his attention to me on his day. That next day, I went to the store and picked up a journal, (I have many of them), but this one would be much more different. From that day until his birthday the next year, I wrote to him. A long book of love letters is essentially what it turned out to be. Daily, I would write to him about my love for him or just simply how I felt about being his wife and the mother of our children. I wrote everything from poems to letters to sonnets to lyrics from songs we loved. I enjoyed it immensely. When I completed it, I wrote a dedication to him and glued pictures of us and our children inside the covers and attached a feather to the last page as a symbol of how easily he took the heaviness and pain of my heart and made it as light as a feather once again.
--submitted by Yolanda

Choose A Path
My boyfriend had told me he would be out of town for my birthday. The day of my birthday he calls to tell me happy birthday and that he missed me. When I got home I found a card on my floor with a Hershey's kisses path leading one way and a rose petal path leading the other way. The card said, “Choose a path and if you choose the right path you will find me waiting - did you really think I could miss your birthday?” I chose the rose path, which led to my room along with the Hershey’s kisses path. I found him waiting with a rose and a promise ring in his hand. He said no matter which path you pick I will always be here for you. I was so surprised!
--submitted by Jordan

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