169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Birthday Love
My birthday was on a Sunday and so I went to church with my family. When we came back from church I found that my girlfriend had come by and wrote Happy Birthday and drew hearts with our initials in them all over the driveway with chalk. She also had put up a huge Happy Birthday poster on our house. I got out of my car in complete surprise and looked down to find a trail of kisses leading to my front door. On the front door she tied lots of balloons and below them was her gift to me and next to that was a great tasting chocolate raspberry (my favorite) cake with Happy Birthday written on it. When I got inside she left the sweetest message on my machine. That was the best birthday I ever had. I love her so much!
--submitted by Trevor

Birthday Love Coupons
For my boyfriend's birthday, I decided to make him some "love coupons." I cut out little dollar sized, different colored pieces of paper that were trimmed in different shapes. I put little cute stickers on them and wrote things like, good for one free hour of cuddle time, good for one free game of chess (he likes chess) and put - expiration date: never - on them. He loved it and the great thing is, he can use them over and over again, and they never expire!
--submitted by Michelle Emily

Birthday Love Hunt
My then boyfriend, now husband did a scavenger hunt for me for my birthday that was wonderful. We were both in college at the time so, he told me after my class to call him before I left to go home, so I did and he gave me directions to go somewhere which led to a restaurant far away from home and he was there waiting for me. We sat and ate and after a while he handed me a 50-dollar bill and said, "This is a very important part of your birthday, hold on to it." So, of course I am clueless. After we ate he said he left something in the car and he would be back. I was sitting in the restaurant waiting for him to come back when the phone rang and he said, "Pay the waitress with the 50-dollar bill and get in the car and call me back." I followed his directions and called him back. He told me to look in the glove compartment and gave me directions on where to go to next. In the glove compartment was a hotel key. I followed his directions and ended up at the hotel. He had given me the room number and I used the key to go in. When I opened the door I saw a trail of roses that led to him in the Jacuzzi waiting for me. It was the best birthday and very surprising because I didn't think he could be so romantic.
--submitted by Torrie

Birthday Memories
It was my birthday and I had to work. When I got to my car after work my boyfriend had taped a note on my steering wheel that read "I." When I got home I found another note taped to my front door that read "Love." I walked into my house and found another note on my kitchen counter that read "You." Then I heard a knock at the door. It was my boyfriend, kneeling on one knee on my front porch with a red rose in his hand. He looked at me, smiled, and uttered a very heart-felt "I love you." Then he handed me a gift and said "Happy Birthday." The gift was a globe and inside was a little boy kneeling on one knee giving a red rose to a little girl. The globe plays the song "Memories" when you wind it up. I still have the globe on a shelf in my room and am reminded of that moment every time I look at it.
--submitted by Anonymous

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Birthday Photo Book
I bought boyfriend a digital camera for his 26th birthday. After that I didn’t have any money left over to do something more personal. Instead I decided to do something creative on the computer. I went through our photos and printed out 26 of my favorite pictures. I used the pictures to make book entitled, 26 Reasons Why I Love You. On each page I put a picture and next to it a reason why I loved him. I punched a hole in the corner and attached all the pages together with a ribbon. He loved it more then the camera!
--submitted by Sandy

Birthday Piñata
On my birthday, my boyfriend gave me a big bag. He told me to open it later because he doesn’t like me to open his presents in front of him. So, after he left, I opened my present. Inside the bag was a big piñata! I had told him that I’d always wanted a piñata for my birthday (it’s nice to know he listens!), and when I lifted it out, it was heavy! I looked inside and saw that it was full of Reese’s, my favorite candy as well as: a gold bracelet, a pair of earrings and a little frog (he knows that I collect frogs). It was the best birthday gift! It was so sweet and creative and I really loved it and him.
--submitted by Heather

Birthday Rendezvous
For my eighteenth birthday, my boyfriend surprised me from work by picking me up and taking me to my apartment in a limo. As I entered my apartment, I was surprised once again with flowers, candlelight, and an outfit he had chosen for me to wear for my birthday. After I got dressed he blindfolded me, and took me to the mountains. There he had a candlelit dinner for two waiting, and he also had my favorite song playing so we could dance the night away. That was the best birthday ever!
--submitted by Vannesa

Birthday Romance Ride
Our relationship was only a few months old, but there was a magnificent spark between the two of us. I wanted to do something special that would be unforgettable. So, I kidnapped him for his birthday and took him on a horse back ride through the mountains at sunset. It could not have been more amazing and romantic. After the horseback ride, I had prepared an Italian picnic, which included a nice bottle of wine and for desert - chocolate covered strawberries. The picnic was set up by my friend across the river, with a blanket, candles and flowers. So I blind folded him and lead him to his romantic birthday. Everything went perfect and it turned out to be the best birthday ever for him.
--submitted by Lex

Birthday Surprise
The night before my birthday my boyfriend drove me to a really expensive hotel in the countryside. We had a lovely evening. Then, when I woke up on my birthday the hotel room was covered in balloons and all my presents surrounding my bed! He'd spent all night blowing up balloons and wrapping up presents! Bless him!
--submitted by CS

Birthday Treats
It was my boyfriend's 24th birthday. He had work that day so I surprised him by giving out 23 Hershey’s Cookies and Cream chocolate nuggets to his officemates and told them that it was my boyfriend's birthday and I hope that they would help me. I told them to give him the nugget every time they'd bump into him at the workplace and as they did, to give him a wish for his birthday. After my boyfriend's shift I was waiting in the lobby of their building holding 2 dozen roses with the 24th nugget. His eyes sparkled after that.
--submitted by Nix

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