169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

A Sexy Surprise!
Well, my boyfriend and I have a very long distance relationship! I live on the other side of the country from him. We met through my brother's band (he's the guitar player). For about a month he was on tour with another band out of the country. When he got back to the U.S. he was supposed to come and visit me, but unfortunately plans changed. The upsetting part was that his birthday was hitting on the same day he was to return home. I was so upset that I was going to have to miss his birthday that I decided to take matters into my own hands! I called his roommate and told him what my plans were and he agreed to help me. The next time I talked to my boyfriend, I told him that I was trying to get a plane ticket for July 13th, (1 day after his birthday), and wanted to make sure he would be home just in case it all worked out. He confirmed that he would be home that day as well as the day of his birthday. So, I got a plane ticket for July 11, the day before his birthday. (Previously I had written him an email asking a bunch of questions like: What's your favorite food, fruit, color, band, "position", ... things like that.)

When I got there, I went to the store and bought his favorite meal to cook, favorite fruit w/whipped cream, favorite colored lingerie, favorite champagne and a few other "necessities." I also brought some CD’s I made with all his favorite bands/artists, and put them in a CD case, labeled and all - (He loved that!) In his room, I taped up about 30 cards and told him they were coupons that he could redeem that night only!! To make sure he went straight to his room, I sprinkled rose petals and lit candles leading to his doorway. (His roommate agreed to blow out the candles after he arrived and leave us alone for a while). Meanwhile, I was waiting in his room wearing this sexy red lingerie with red light bulbs in his lamps. When he entered the room, I had the table set up with his favorite meal cooked, his favorite champagne and a silver platter full of strawberries & grapes. After we ate, I made him go through the room and collect one coupon at a time and then we would do whatever it said (some were sexual, some sweet, and some funny). All this took place while listening to one of his favorite relaxing bands. He had so much fun, that I ended up benefiting from it as well! After that, we laid down and snuggled and I popped in his favorite movie while we drank more champagne and fell asleep together. The next morning, I snuck out and made him breakfast in bed. As I fed him his food, he opened his gifts while we watched cartoons, and afterwards, we finished off some of those coupons! It was definitely a birthday to remember!!
--submitted by Anonymous

A Very Special Birthday
I had been throwing hints out to my boyfriend about a month before my 22nd birthday last year. I am spoiled and have always wanted those special evenings full of surprise. So, on the day of my birthday, he picked me up from my house and was such a gentleman. He took me out to dinner to eat my favorite food (Mexican). What made this more special is that my boyfriend hates Mexican and Italian, which are my favorites. So usually, I go out to these types of restaurants with a friend. He showed me so much when he went in with me, ordered and tried some of my food! After dinner he took me back to his place. He had a chair sitting right in front of the television and told me to sit there and close my eyes. When he told me to open them, I was all alone watching a dedication video he did for me; it was so sweet! He told me how much I meant to him, told me about the first time we met and how he felt. He said that he knew I was special and something to go after. After each tribute he lip sang my favorite love songs to me. It was the cutest thing I ever saw! At the end of the video he told me to go back into his room, he had something special for me. When I went into the room, there was a heart that he made out of clay and engraved it to say his heart belonged to me forever. Surrounding the heart were six coupons. The coupons were for things like "No argue Pass", "Cuddle Pass", "Music Pass", etc., all the things we may argue about I had coupons for so that I could take control of the situation and he couldn’t say anything! It was the best birthday ever! My coupons are good for another month now, and I am still using them.
--submitted by Shyree

A Wonderful Birthday
My birthday just happens to be on New Year's Eve so my boyfriend came over to my house at 7:30 am ...very early for a high school guy. He made me breakfast and served it to me in bed while singing softly to me, “Happy Birthday.” Afterwards, I opened some little presents he had gotten me including tons and tons of firecrackers for celebrating later that night. Later on he took me out for lunch and to a movie. It was very thoughtful of him. When I got back into the car from the movie, he blindfolded me and took me to a place called Earth Savers, which is well known for some of the best massage therapists. I walked in not knowing where I was because I just saw cards and a bunch of candles and such. I thought he brought me there to buy some candles. When I asked where we were, he told me and added that he had bought me a one-hour full body massage! It was wonderful; I could not have thanked him enough!
--submitted by Leah

A night to remember
For my husband's birthday I have planned to have a surprise candlelight bubble bath with floating candles and soft music to relax him after a hard day's work. Following that we will have an indoor picnic by candlelight in our bedroom. After dinner, I plan to give him a massage with edible oils in chocolate and chocolate mint flavors. This should be a night to remember!
--submitted by vashti

An Occasion For Travel
My boyfriend's 45th birthday was coming up, and I still did not have a present for him. It seemed to me that he had everything I could possibly give him. The day before his birthday I was miserable then ever, and still did not know what to give him. I decided to go to the mall and maybe to find something there. On the way to the mall, I passed by a flower store and a travel agent's office. The flower store offered very nice baskets, because Valentine’s Day was coming up in few days and there were very nice posters in the window of the travel agent’s office. While I was staring at the baskets and the posters, I got the idea. I did not have to go far. My presents were right here. I went in the flower store and ordered 45 red roses in a basket, and next door I ordered a trip for two for a few days in Florida.
When the flower guy delivered the flowers, my boyfriend was standing by the door totally speechless. When he brought the basket into the house and put it on the table, he still was staring at it for a while. He said that he had never received so many flowers in his life and definitely not in one time. When he opened an envelope, he looked at me with such amazement that I had never seen before. At first he did not believe me that the tickets were real and we really were going to be in Florida tomorrow. Then he said that I'm crazy, still staring at the flowers and at the tickets, realizing that we were really going tomorrow to Florida. We flew from NJ to Florida, had a romantic dinner and wonderful night and enjoyed his birthday for few more days. He said that he has never had a better present and a better birthday before.
--submitted by Anonymous

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Arabian Night
Every year we celebrate my husband's birthday with an intimate dinner at home. I always choose a theme to make it fun and interesting and focus the evening dinner and fun around the theme. Last year, I went all out for a fun and festive Arabian night. I cooked up some great food from the middle east, couscous, lamb, simmered dates, almond desert and honeyed figs. I decided also that this was a great time to do a little house cleaning. So, I threw out our old sofa and in it's place I set up a tent (I went out and purchased the netting that you can buy already fitted on a circular tube with a ring to hang), suspended it from the ceiling, used a few small wool carpets and took every pillow and cushion in the house and arranged it inside. From the center hook I suspended a great little beaded lantern votive candleholder I had gotten for Christmas and voila!!! A beautiful exotic evening for two. If you’re really daring you can dress up in a beautiful harem (I did) or genie outfit and whisk yourselves away to another place and time. Needless to say, we had a great time at very little cost... this year I'm planning a “marooned on a desert isle” theme complete with a birthday message in bottle.nded a great little beaded lantern votive candle holder I had gotten for Christmas and voila!!! A beautiful exotic evening for two. If your really daring you can dress up in a beautiful harem ( I did) or genie outfit and wisk yourselves away to another place and time. Needless to say we had a great time at very little cost... this year I'm planning a marooned on a desert isle theme complete with a birthday message in bottle...
--submitted by Anonymous

As The Day Goes By
It was my birthday. My love was 350km away from me. We were engaged just 4 months back. My girlfriend wanted to come to me to celebrate my birthday, but she was unable to come. I was very much upset because on that special day I was not able to meet my love. But she sent me flower bouquet every two hours with a card without mentioning her name at my work place. I was very much surprised and feeling great. Finally I received a birthday cake with a card saying, “Happy Birthday.” I will never forget the way she celebrated my birthday. I love her beyond this universe.
--submitted by Mitesh

At Work Kidnapping
My boyfriend had been having a hard time at work for several weeks. His birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something special for him. So I made several phone calls and got reservations at a campground 4 hours away. I got tickets for a steam engine train ride he'd been wanting to go on and I called his boss and asked if I could come get him after lunch on Friday (Monday was the Labor Day holiday and they had that day off) His boss said yes, take him he needs this. So I packed our camper with clothes, food, drinks, and everything I knew we would need and at 1:30 I walked into his shop with a loaded water gun and a ransom note. It only took him a few minutes to walk out with me. I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or his co workers. We had a wonderful weekend and made a beautiful memory. PS. We also went Gem Mining that weekend and found a stone that we both liked. We've had it cut and put into a ring that is now my engagement ring. Who needs a diamond? My ring has a story. What a great weekend.
--submitted by Diana

Baked Heart
I love this girl a lot and she doesn’t know it yet. Anyway, her birthday was coming soon and I decided that I wanted to make something for her. I bought a special 5.7cm x5.7cm box with a window in front. I used a special clay that stays soft until it is baked and formed it into a heart shape. Then I baked it and took glow in the dark fluid to draw the 2 symbols representing female and male, with each ring intersecting each other. I put our initials in each of the symbols, placed the heart in the box and filled it up with scented rose petals. The heart was red and the petals were purple and yellow, excellent combination.
--submitted by Gab

Balloon Birthday
For my birthday, my boyfriend made me a full breakfast at his house complete with roses in the middle of the table. After breakfast, he had 10 balloons set up. He gave me a “you are loved” pin, and I had to use it to pop the balloons. Of the 10 balloons, 6 said "I love you because..." Once I popped those I could then choose one of 6 gifts. In each gift was a card saying one thing he loved about me, and then a gift that related to that reason. The other 4 balloons had date ideas in them. One of which was our first date. If I popped that balloon, we went on that date right there and then. I was popping balloons all day, and it was the most amazing birthday ever!
--submitted by Tracy

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