169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

A Friendly Birthday
My girlfriend and I are six months into our relationship. Her birthday was coming up and I was looking forward to spoiling her. Unfortunately, I got the flu and my company enrolled me for a three day course that week. My plans were disrupted, but I still wanted to make her birthday very special, especially as it was the first one into our relationship. On the eve of her birthday I asked most of my friends through SMS and e-mail to call and wish her well on the day. She was blown away, especially as most of my friends called from out of town. After work I proceeded to her place with flowers, her birthday gift and vouchers to spend during the weekend. It was a sweet success.
--submitted by Gix Monate

A Full Day Birthday
It was my boyfriends’ 21st birthday and fortunately this year it fell on a Friday. I got up early in the morning, since he wakes up at 5:30 a.m., went to his house, snuck into his car and laid a flower on the dashboard and set up his favorite song on the CD player. During his lunch break I surprised him at his work in a sexy little dress with a mini chocolate mousse cake and a little card that opened up into a huge card saying how much I love him. All of the guys at his work were saying how lucky he was and were quite impressed since he works at a factory. He was smiling from ear to ear. That afternoon while he was still at work I drove back to his house where I got his brother to steal his bedroom key and open it for me. I left him a wrapped present on the middle of his bed surrounded by Hershey’s kisses. Later on that evening he came home from work, picked me up and went straight to his house. He ran upstairs to change and was amazed to see his room. As the night progressed it only got better! We had dinner with his parents then proceeded on downtown where I had booked an appointment to get him a tattoo that he had been wanting for months but never had enough money to buy it. On our way home I surprised him with his favorite "beverage" and told him to save it for later. I then proceeded to play a little game in the car, but will leave what it was for the imagination. After about a half hour drive with us talking and reminiscing about our past, we reached my house ... little did he know I had a party waiting for him with all of his friends from his old neighborhood. We had a blast to say the least. He definitely proved how appreciative he was when everyone went home. He was at a loss for words because no one had ever done that for him before.
--submitted by Shannon

A Getaway To Remember!
For my boyfriend's birthday I wanted to do something that we would both really enjoy, however, I had to book it for a month after his birthday. I told him that I was doing something creative for him and that he would not get anything until a month later. I kept it totally secret and when the day came I woke him up in the morning, gave him some breakfast, drove 3 hours to a spa in beautiful cottage country. We shared a mud bath together, a delicious spa lunch, and then we had a tandem massage. I was so happy that he enjoyed it and I got some fun out of it too! He told me that it was just what he had needed and no one had ever done something like that for him, it was great!
--submitted by MLR

A Handpainted, Practical And Much Used Gift
My boyfriend and I had only been dating for a few months before his birthday came around. Mind you, I’m a total sap; he's not! I was on a low budget and wanted to be creative. So about 2 weeks before his birthday, I went to a pottery place where you basically pick and paint a piece of pottery. Since we enjoy our early morning coffee together, I picked coffee mugs. I painted them to match. The morning of his birthday, I had them filled to the brim with latte's and put our favorite peach Danishes from the local bakery on the side. He loved it! And no matter what, that's the only mug he'll use!
--submitted by Jessica

A Kidnapping Surprise
I have been having trouble being able to spend one whole night alone with my Italian (Neapolitan) girlfriend because of her family. So, I came up with the idea of reserving a room in a 4-star hotel and made reservations for 2 days after her birthday. Her birthday is March 27th on which her family planned a dinner out for her. I presented her with a small gift and told her she still had a surprise coming. When the 29th came, we went out to dinner on a double date with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s guy. After dinner, as her friends were leaving, I blindfolded her and guided her to my car. Once we arrived at the hotel, I kept the blindfold on her and guided her to the lobby. There, I made hand signals to the receptionist for the room number, got the key and we went to our room. Finally, once inside the room, I removed the blindfold. She was so surprised and hugged me like she had never done before!
--submitted by Lucas

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A Little Birthday Getaway
For my husbands birthday, I found a little hotel with heart shaped a Jacuzzi in the room. I bought numerous amounts of gifts including baseball tickets. I put the gifts all around the room, and candles around the Jacuzzi. I asked someone at the desk if they would put our wine on ice while I went to go pick him up. I blindfolded my husband so it would be a complete surprise. When we got to the room I took the blindfold off and sung "Happy Birthday" to him. We both enjoyed the night together, and the next day we had his favorite ice cream cake and went to the game.
--submitted by Anon

A Little Surprise
My boyfriend just turned eighteen and has three cats that he loves. The problem is that they are getting very old and weak and we think they don’t have much time left. So, for a surprise on his birthday, I handed him a box and inside was a litter box, litter, kitten food, bowls, etc. While he was opening it I went back to his room and let a little kitten out of his cage and it ran right up to him. He was so surprised he looked like he was about to cry. It was great; he even named her Amanda after me.
--submitted by Amanda

A Minnie Party!
Ok, this one is for the kid at heart. I wasn’t able to see my girlfriend on her actual birthday, so I made a party for her at her work. I rented a costume, her favorite Disney character, and went to her work where I had arranged for a co-worker to take pictures. My girlfriend nearly fainted! Then I left as the character, and came back as myself. I had a small party pack with cake, confetti, candles, roses, and gifts - the whole 9 yards. It was a birthday she still talks about!
--submitted by Shabazz

A Most Romantic Birthday!
My boyfriend and I live thousands of miles away. His birthday was coming up and I was a bit low on cash. I had been planning for months, and I still did not have a good gift. After months of worrying myself to death on what I could do, my friend surprised me with a plane ticket to fly out to see my boyfriend. So I went. I had the extra key to the apartment and let myself in. I lit candles, deflowered roses, ran a warm bubble bath, chilled a bottle of wine quickly, and had soft music in the background waiting for him when he got home. He came home around 11pm, and noticed the petals by the door with a note that said "come in". I was hiding in the bedroom and I could hear him come in. There was a note by the answering machine that said for him to sit on the couch. When he sat on the couch, there was a hand held recorder saying "play me". On the recorder, was my voice telling him happy birthday. I had told him that his surprise was not over. All he had to do was look up. When he did, there I was standing in candle light, with a beautiful evening dress and high heels holding 2 glasses in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. Let's just say that after that, instead of going out, we stayed in. It was the most romantic birthday ever!
--submitted by Anonymous

A Romantic Birthday For Him
My current boyfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship since the beginning. This summer was his birthday and I wanted to make it special for him. I started it off simple by taking him to see a movie he had been talking about. Then I took him to my favorite restaurant. While we were eating, I had set it up with a few of my friends set up a candle lit dessert at a private park that was by his house. As I was taking him home I stopped by the park and told him I just wanted to talk. Well, when he got closer he saw the candles, birthday cake, chocolate strawberries, and wine. It was just the two off us in the dark with the simple light of the candles. Who say's a guy can't be romanced. He was truly appreciative and that night he proved it!
--submitted by Sweetie

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