169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Valentine's Day Ritual
After just getting back together, my boyfriend decided to make up for missing my birthday while we were broken up and made me dinner. It was 3 days after Valentine's Day so it was also my Valentine's Day gift. I came over to his house and walked up to the door. He met me and hugged me and told me to go straight to his room. I went up to his room and found a teddy bear holding a rose! He then turned on his C.D. player, which started playing our song. After we were done dancing, he took me downstairs where HE made dinner! I couldn't lift a finger! Right before it was done, he sent me back upstairs to his room again and told me not to come down till he said so. When he told me I could come downstairs, he took me down to his computer room where he had cleared everything out except for a table and two chairs. Candles were everywhere! It was so sweet. He had fine china and everything. It was so romantic. He had a keyboard that was playing “For Elise.” It was so romantic and for a 14-year-old guy to do this it was amazing! Now, every year on Valentine's Day, he makes me a candle light dinner and he promises me that when are married it will never stop!
--submitted by Lisa

Viva Las Vegas
I had no plans for my 22nd birthday, and my boyfriend never mentioned anything about making plans until a week before. He surprised me and told me we were going to Vegas, (which would be my first time). He said that was all he was telling me and that he didn't have a lot of money so we wouldn't be staying at a fun place, but at least we'd be there. I thought nothing of it. He picked me up on Friday morning, and had lunch on my seat ready for me from my favorite deli. After four hours in the car, we got to the Strip, and he pulled into New York, New York! I thought we were just sight seeing until he said, "We are here!" We spent the night exploring and dancing until 4 in the morning. The following day was actually my birthday, so he took me around all the hotels, went shopping, and took me out for my birthday dinner to Spago in Caesar’s Palace. We danced all night long again, and had an absolutely fabulous weekend! Now I am addicted to Vegas, but most of all, it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.
--submitted by Anonymous

White Roses For True Love
For my 23rd birthday I decided to book a day off from work and spend the whole day with my boyfriend. My surprise however started the day before my day; he surprised me with 2 dozen white roses at work. I was totally surprised and amazed! My co-worker had asked him why the white roses and he said, "White roses means true love." I was blushing, speechless, crazily in love and totally happy! On my day, he took me out for late lunch at this classy Chinese restaurant; he knows that I'm absolutely a Chinese food freak! Oh no, my birthday surprise wasn't over yet! My Love then took me to Niagara Falls for the whole weekend! He once again knocked me off my feet! It was the best birthday ever! I felt like a royal that weekend! He certainly made it an unforgettable one!
--submitted by TaTaQ

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Why I Love You
When my husband and I first started dating, I was pretty broke living paycheck-to-paycheck. His birthday was coming up, and I really wanted to give him something that showed him how much he meant to me, even without a lot of money. I bought an inexpensive bag of polished rocks that were big enough to write a couple of words on. I used a metallic permanent marker and wrote something on each rock that I loved about him (i.e., "perfect kisses", "trustworthy"...). I then bought an inexpensive, see-through canister and put all these rocks inside. On the outside of the canister I wrote, "Why I love my boyfriend." He said he loved it, because it was so thoughtful.
--submitted by S.J.

Wishes for Him...
What I am doing this year for my partner’s birthday is entitled "22 things I wish For You!" He is turning 22, so I will have one wish per year he is old. For every wish, I will give a gift that relates to the wish. For example, warmth = a sweater; relaxation = a sensual massage, etc.!
--submitted by Fatima S.

You Be The Gift
My husband and I have been together for two years now and I’m always looking for new ways to surprise him. But we're trying to save money for a house so I can't afford a lot. Well, one day when he was at work and I was off from school, I went to a party shop and bought a pack of yellow and red streamers, tape, and confetti. I didn't have much money so instead of buying a sign that said I love you I taped I love you with the streamers on the kitchen cabinets which is the first thing he sees when he walks in (we live in an apartment.) I then covered the entrance to the living room and the walls with yellow and red streamers everywhere so that he couldn't see into the living room unless he broke through the streamers. When he broke through, I was on the other side wearing nothing but you guessed it... streamers, covering my most intimate parts. I also had blankets and romantic videos laid out around me and confetti spread all around the floor. I told him it was his own private party. Needless to say we didn't need the videos and it was an unforgettable night that didn't put a dent our pockets.
--submitted by Michelle


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