169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Tattoo for You
My husband of five years is a tattoo artist. We dated for five years before we married, so for ten years he has been bugging me to get some ink done on myself, but I have never gotten a tattoo or anything. On the day of his thirty-fifth birthday I acted like I didn't even remember what day it was. At breakfast, when I made him eggs, he came up behind me and asked if I knew what day it was. I responded, “Of course I knew what day it was, it said it right on the calendar- the twenty first of September, why?” I could sense the hurt in his voice, but I had to keep up my charade and continued to ignore his hints about his special day. While he was still eating I told him that I had to go visit the ATM. What he didn't know was that I was actually headed out to the tattoo parlor where he works. His coworkers are good friends, so they were in on the plan too. His best friend and fellow artist Jake had helped me to draw out a stencil saying "MRS JEFFRIES" in large letters to be placed on my arm exactly where he'd tattooed "JEFFRIES" (our last name) on his arm. Together, his buddies and I decorated the store with balloons and streamers, and put a big cake in the middle of the counter. When he came in he was so surprised. The look on his face when he found out he'd be tattooing me was incredible. Having my husband tattoo me with his name was an extremely sensual experience, and to him, the best birthday present ever!
--submitted by Anonymous

The Best Birthday Surprise Ever
My boyfriend and I had been seeing each other for about a year and a half, living in separate states the entire time. I talk to him over the phone every night at about the same time. He called me the night of my not so great birthday (during a little party) and we were having our conversation as usual. My friends were outside for a smoke when there was a knock at the door. I was reluctant to answer it since I was on the phone. Finally I answered it, still on the phone. When I opened the door, he was there, on a cell phone! He had secretly flown in for my birthday! All our friends stood around as I finally realized that he was actually there. It turned out to be a GREAT birthday.
--submitted by Alison

The Best I Could Do
My boyfriend is the lead guitarist in a band. When his favorite guitar was stolen he was devastated and didn't have the extra cash to buy a new one. His birthday was coming up so I decided to dish out the dough for the guitar. I kept it all a secret and told him that I didn't have a lot of money so I wouldn't be able to get him a very nice gift. On his birthday I handed him a card and said, "I'm sorry, this is just the best I could do." He looked disappointed but still thanked me and said I didn't have to get him anything at all. He opened the card, saw the guitar picture that I had placed inside and gave me a confused look. I smiled and told him to follow me downstairs where I had his new guitar set up with a huge ribbon tied around it. He loved the surprise! And he says that this guitar is better than his old one could ever be just because I put so much thought (and money) into getting it for him!
--submitted by Anonymous

The Birthday of My Dreams
A couple of months before my birthday I told my boyfriend I had a dream about him. I told him that in my dream there were gifts all over my room and everything was wrapped in black with green paper. That was the last time I ever spoke about my dream. Four months later on my birthday my boyfriend told me to walk down the block and he would meet me at the end. He was at the end of my block with three dozen roses standing near the trunk of his car. The doors were open and "our" song was playing. When he opened the trunk three balloons came out that said "Happy Birthday, Danielle" and the other two had cute names that he calls me on them. After further inspection, I noticed the trunk was filled with gifts and each one was wrapped in black and green paper just like my dream. It was the sweetest and most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done. It’s now three years later and we are still going strong.
--submitted by Danielle

The Perfect Birthday
On my 20th birthday, my boyfriend asked me to keep the day free because he had a surprise planned for me. We live over an hour apart, so naturally he told me to be up early so we would have the whole day together. When I woke up in the morning there was a card and present waiting for me. I unwrapped the present and it was a very nice coffee maker (because I love my coffee!), and the card was very sweet as well. The card also had a note that told me to be at a certain address by 8:45 AM, so I rushed to get ready and drove there to find that it was a day spa. When I went in, the woman at the front desk said, "You must be Katie," and handed me some forms to fill out and another gift. She told me the gift was from my boyfriend; it was two of my favorite movies. So, they swept me away into the day spa where I got a rosemary body wrap, full body message, 90 minute facial, and wax treatment for my hands and feet. It was 12:30 by the time I was done, and when I walked out my best friend was waiting for me with yet another present, which she said was from my boyfriend.

Inside the box were $200 and a note that said, "We will be going to a very nice dinner tonight, so go shopping and get something special. Be ready at your house by 5:30 PM and pack an overnight bag because you won't be back until tomorrow." So my friend and I went shopping and she handed me yet another card from my boyfriend with another $100 in it and it said, "Don't hold back! Spend it all!" So, I did! After shopping I went home and got ready and at 5:30 my friend handed me another gift that had a note on in that said, "You deserve everything you have received today, and you deserve to be treated like a princess. Your chariot awaits you, go open the front door…" and there was a limo waiting for me outside. The limo took me along the coast and to The Inn of the Seventh Ray (a very romantic restaurant) where I finally got to see my boyfriend! He was waiting there for me at a secluded booth overlooking a stream and the trees. After a very nice dinner, the limo took us to a hotel in Santa Monica on the beach called Shutters by the Beach. When we got inside the hotel, he blindfolded me and led me to our room. When I opened my eyes the room was covered in rose petals and candles, there was music playing from a CD he had made me, there were more gifts, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and a view of the ocean. It was the most amazing birthday I've ever had and I don't think it can ever be topped!
--submitted by Katie

Read this hot story:
Give A Rebus Love Poem

The Whole Works!
I was dating a man for 9 months and I never bought him anything. For his birthday, I wanted to surprise him BIG time. So, I told him to give me the keys to his house so I can set up the surprise and told him to go to the gym till I call him on his cell to come back. So, as he walked in, he found a single rose in front of his closed door. As he opened his door, it was a shock to him. He saw 20 colorful balloons all over the ceiling, pink candles (scented strawberries n cream) around the room, red rose petals on the bed, floor, desks, etc ... and on his dresser table, I had a custom- made cake for him that said "Happy Birthday (Name)!" I also posted up poetry about how I felt about him on his bathroom mirror. I got him a funny card and made him a "love song" CD. As he made his way in, he saw me in a 2-piece, black, lacey lingerie wearing 4-inch high, black platforms. I greeted him with, “Happy birthday,” gave him a kiss, and asked him to blow out his candles. After that, I laid him on the bed, and gave him a full body massage. The oil I bought heats up as I massaged his body. Then, I blindfolded and handcuffed him. I fed him strawberries dipped in chocolate and after that, smothered his body in whipped cream. You can say it was a night he'll never forget!
--submitted by M. M.

Those Three Words
It was my boyfriend's 17th birthday, and I had been planning for months. We had been dating a little over 6 months, but were totally falling for each other. I take the whole "I love you" very seriously, and wanted to say it when we were both ready and meant it! I thought his birthday would be a great time to tell him. He had to work on his birthday. I went to his house with 100 balloons and put them into his room; each balloon contained a reason why I was in love with him, "I love you because..." I put confetti all over his bed, and wrote “I LOVE YOU” on his ceiling, above his bed, using glow-in-the-dark stars so he would see it when he walked into his room at night after work. I put a C.D. in the player and put a post-it on the player saying, "PLAY ME!" When it began playing, it was my voice... thanking him for making me the happiest girl in the world and how I had come to fall in love with him. In the background our song was playing. The C.D. ended saying, "If there’s anything I want to give you it's my heart." At that moment I walked in. We smiled at each other and I said, "I love you Patrick! Happy birthday!" We hugged and were almost both in tears. We are so in love! It was the greatest time I've ever spent with him. He was BEYOND surprised, and just felt great!
--submitted by Green

Total Devotion
When my boyfriend turned 21, we were both in college and broke. I wanted to give him something extra to remember his special day so I came up with a plan that would make him feel great the entire day, not just the evening. First, I thought up 21 romantic coupons that he could use for the day. They ranged from running him a bath to getting a sensual massage, etc. I let my imagination take me to places I didn’t know existed, and he loved it. I gave them to him when he first woke up. The only stipulation was that he had to use all the coupons before midnight. (If you are doing this, get a good night's sleep. Its more exhausting than you think!) Next, I started cooking him his favorite meal: steak, homemade fettuccine Alfredo, garlic bread, zuppa tuscana soup, and New York cheesecake for dessert. He used every coupon and I waited on him hand and foot. He never had to move a muscle. I gave him a bath, dried him off, feed him his dinner - I wanted to show just how much I would be willing to wait on him hand and foot if I ever needed too. Suffice it to say that it was the best gift that he ever got and the best gift I ever gave!
--submitted by Anonymous

Turning 21 Gift Idea
I was starting to date this guy who was older than me. His 21st birthday was about a month after we met. I didn’t know what to buy him or how much to spend so I put together a little book. It had over 100 blank pages and on everyone I put a recipe to an alcoholic mixed drink and a quote or poem. (You can also add mixers along with a variety of small bottles of alcohol that would fit in with the recipes if you are old enough to buy.) He loved it... he said nobody had ever put so much time into a gift before!
--submitted by Anonymous

Ultimate Birthday Weekend Getaway
I didn't know what to do for my boyfriend's 20th birthday, so I racked my brain and came up wit a master plan. I forced him to request the weekend before his birthday off and rounded up all his friends and booked a hotel room in Windsor, Canada. We spent the whole weekend partying and hanging out. He was so happy to be around all of his favorite people all weekend.
--submitted by Marquesa

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