169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Romantic Website For Him
My boyfriend's birthday is in two weeks and I have no money, so I decided to go online and make him a website! It's free, fun, and a great way to express myself. I even figured out how to put music on every page! His page has his favorite band playing a love song! He's also really into money origami, so I'm going to make him a little box made out of two-dollar bills. In it, I'll write the URL on red paper and present it to him.
--submitted by M. H. Kitty

Room Make-Over Birthday Surprise
On my partner's birthday this year, I had my little plan and executed it beautifully. Here goes: On the afternoon of his birthday, I picked him up and sent him to a spa center I'd booked for special men's treatment for a few hours. Then I went back to his house to do a little room makeover. His room was kind of messy and not color-coordinated so, I brought the things I bought a couple days earlier (quilt cover, pillowcases, etc ...) and changed the old ones with those; I then cleaned up the whole messy room (took me a good 2 hours to do it!). The final touch to the room was a little homemade hazelnut cream birthday cake with a candle stuck on its top. I was pretty sure he was speechless after I picked him up from the spa, and even more when he entered his room!
--submitted by Split Pea

Room full of balloons
For my 20th birthday my boyfriend filled my entire dorm room with balloons. He did this all behind my back and I had no idea. He had blown up about 300 balloons all by himself over a couple of weeks. As an added bonus he put fortunes into all the red balloons, making it fun to pop them. It was great, because I couldn't even walk in my room without being in 3 feet of balloons. I was the envy of all my friends at college!
--submitted by Chrystal

Roses Are Red
It was my fiancée's birthday. When she came home, she found a small vase with a single red long-stem rose in it. Wrapped around the stem was a short poem:
"Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Here's a little game I made up for you;
Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Open the closet to find your next clue!"
I had placed twelve such roses around the house. The last one was in a vase large enough for all twelve roses, and was located, of course, in the bedroom. She said it was the best birthday present she ever got!
--submitted by Don

Sand Spice Rack
I live on an island and for my birthday my boyfriend at the time went to all of the major beaches around the island and collected sand from each beach. He then got a spice rack and filled each bottle with the different beach sands of the island. It was really special because I am an avid surfer and he knew that something from the beach would make me happy. It was totally inexpensive but the best gift I’ve ever received!
--submitted by Anonymous

Secret Birthday Note
The most romantic thing that ever happened to me was on my birthday; I was headed to class and I dropped my book in the hallway. He picked it up and gave it back. When I reached class and opened my book, there was a rose petal and a beautiful note. Somehow he had slipped it in while I wasn’t watching. I was so embarrassed I turned as red as the rose.
--submitted by Anonymous

Secret Mission
For my boyfriend’s birthday I wanted to be different and creative. I had bought him a watch, sealed it in a can and bought a can opener, but I wanted to be different in the way he would receive it. I went on the Internet and searched for the mall in our area, then printed out their floor plan x4 (lockers, bathrooms, emergency exits etc.) I then went to the mall on my lunch hour and scoped out 4 locker locations. In each area I picked a locker and placed a map of the mall, circled one of the next locker locations, and left the key in the locker from the previous locker. In the 2nd last locker I left the can opener and in the last locker left the can. (Basically he had to go to the next locker to get the next key and map highlighting the next area). I then put the last key I had PLUS a map in an envelope labeled "secret mission" When he came to pick me up from work I told him I'd meet him at the mall because I had a few things to do and told him he received some mail the other day that I forgot to give him. He opened the envelope and started his mission. Just remember this has to be done in the same day, as security sometimes empties the lockers at the end of the night, depending on the mall.
--submitted by Anonymous

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Shoe Box Memories
My boyfriend/significant other and I live together and share a lot, and I have noticed that he carries all of his memories from childhood on up in a large shoe box (Pictures, cards, etc.). Though his birthday is still several weeks away, I am already planning an additional memory for him to have and carry around for many years to come. First I have gathered up his shoe box memories and organized them to form the objects of each page (the pages of his life). It starts with his parents, siblings and him and continues to his three wonderful children (though they are practically grown now), up until the present which includes me and my gift of his shoe box memories made into a book of his life. I am working on this book every chance I have with him not around. The book is only part of the birthday gift I have planned for him. He has to work 12 hours on his birthday, so I am planning to have lunch delivered to him with a little desert (a birthday cupcake). When he gets off, I plan to have a special surprise waiting in the truck: a single rose, a Hershey's kiss and a card. Once arriving at home, a nice, hot, coconut milk bath (to sooth his body and make his skin silky smooth). Then let him think that it has all come to an end. The book is part of the gifts he will continue to receive over the course of the weekend off we have together; NO children, NO phones - just us, during which there will be more surprises in store and more memories to add to the book of his life - planned and executed with all my heart and soul ... since he is my one true love and soul mate.
--submitted by Tonya

Snow Globe
My boyfriend loves snow globes, and he wanted a 50 dollar one that had a wizard inside. I was low on cash when his birthday came around. So, instead of buying him the expensive snow globe, I bought one at Old Navy for five bucks that you put your own picture in. He loved it, even more than the wizard because I was inside of it, and he keeps it by his bed!
--submitted by Rebecca

Something Romantic for Him
There are so many fun and romantic ideas to do for girls but it is hard to think of things that men really like. Many times we do things that we would like them to do for us and even though they may not say it, aren't really the things that they would choose for themselves. I finally thought of something that he would really love. For his birthday I am going to set up a campsite during the day and then after work I will lead him to the campsite where I will have hobo dinners and other food ready to throw in the fire. I will bring his guitar and then at 8:00 p.m., his friends and their wives will show up for a campfire party. After they leave, we will have the night to ourselves. I have already arranged for the both of us to have the day off of work the following day.
--submitted by Callynth

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