169 Romantic Birthday Ideas


Private Birthday Party
It was his 20th birthday and I wanted it to be special. The night before his birthday, we got movies and pizza and went at his house … before I went over to his house I had baked a cake, filled my house with balloons and streamers and set up a table filled with special gifts he wanted. After the movie and our dinner at around 11:45 p.m., I asked him if he wanted go to my house for a little "alone time" since my parents were out of town. We both went to my place and to his surprise he found his own little private party right at midnight. Happy Birthday, Love!
--submitted by JP's Love

Progressive Birthday Gifts
On my boyfriend's birthday I wanted to do something special. I know that he loves chocolate chip cookies and cappuccino, he also likes white pizza. So, I ordered (from a great bakery) homemade chocolate chip cookies with cappuccino to be delivered at his work, first thing in the morning for breakfast, then for lunch I ordered white pizza from his favorite Italian restaurant to be delivered (everything was paid in advanced). Two hours before quitting time I had the largest Tropical flower arrangement delivered to his job. I had a great time planning this and he had a great time eating!!

--submitted by Christine

Rain Check
This year my love turns 50, and I had been planning for more than a year to take this wonderful man to his country of ancestry. I had planned to request the time off for him behind his back, pick him up in a limo with all our travel items tucked away and then off to the airport we go. Circumstances prevented us from taking the trip, so I will be giving him a “rain check”: I took a picture of the place where we will be going, and turned it into a real check on the computer, printed it out, and wrote it out to him. I will not tell him about the other things I had planned to do, so I can still surprise him with those when the time does come.
--submitted by Anonymous

Roadway Birthday Wishes
For my boyfriend’s birthday this year, I made several (10 to be exact), birthday posters (I also had his daughter and brother make one), and posted them along the road to where he works, all decked out with balloons and streamers and all kind of “notice me” stuff. Then at the end of his journey, I was waiting at the entrance to where he works with a huge bouquet of balloons and a lunch that I made especially for him. He has to be at work by 7:00 a.m. each day and had no idea I was there, waiting. He was really surprised by the posters and got a real kick out of them. He said he was truly amazed and he had a great time with the surprise and all the comments from everyone that day.
--submitted by Anonymous

Romance in a Box
For one special night, I got a box and put a few romantic things in it. I put in a bottle of Pinot Noir, really tasty chocolates, a CD of several songs that I knew she considered romantic, sexy red candles, and poem I had written for her. The poem was about how each one of these things means romance and how she meant romance to me. Once it was all inside the box, I wrapped it up in some sexy red shinny paper, with a black lacey ribbon. The night that I gave it to her, she accidentally locked us out of her apartment, so we had to get a hotel. It turned out to be one of the most romantic getaways ever.
--submitted by Matt Heitzenroder

Romantic Birthday Getaway
For my boyfriend’s 30th Birthday, I wanted him to be really surprised. We both have never been anywhere tropical, so, I set it up with his boss for him to get a week off and I booked us a trip to Mexico. On the day of his birthday, his friends threw him a surprise party. At the party I gave him a card that told him how much I loved him and how he has made my life so wonderful and that I wanted to thank him. I gave him his present in front of all his friends. As he opened it, he was a bit confused to find a bottle of suntan lotion, a daiquiri glass, and some swim shorts. In the bottom of the box was an envelope with a picture of the resort we were going too. He loved it! We had the best time and he said no one has ever done anything so sweet for him.
--submitted by Nurse25

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Give A Rebus Love Poem

Romantic Birthday Lunch
I told my wife I would pick her up from work and take her to lunch. I rented a big limo and went to her office where the driver went in to escort her to the car. We then drove to a picnic area at a nearby lake where our place was set with a table cloth, china and crystal. A young lady in a tux was waiting to serve lunch with champagne. Dessert was strawberries in tuxedos, white and dark chocolate complete with bow ties. All this occurred while our driver waited to drive her back. We toasted to her birthday while the breeze from the lake kept us cool.
--submitted by Mike

Romantic Birthday Outing
My boyfriend and I had been together for almost a year and it was the first time we celebrated my birthday together. It was the best birthday ever! We didn't live together as I was only 19, but early in the morning he came to my house (he had planned everything with my mother ...). He woke me up by gently touching my face with a rose and then he gave me a kiss saying that I should hurry up and get dressed as we were going to the mountains. I was thrilled as I loved the idea of traveling with him in a car to the mountains, far away from everybody! It was even better as that year I had a graduation exam, and all I did was learn all day. Everything was perfect! He brought me my favorite CDs and we listened to them in the car while singing together. When we got to our destination, we decided to climb the mountain, so we did! What I really found breathtaking was being on the top of the world just me and him! We took a lot of photos and every time I look at them I remember what a wonderful day it was!
--submitted by Cris

Romantic Newspaper Ad
My husband is currently deployed with the Army; we have been apart for almost a year now. His birthday is coming up so I wanted to make him feel special and let him know that even at a distance I’m with him. So, I got a hold of the only free newspaper available to the soldiers where they're at and purchased an ad so it could run on his birthday. The ad told him to have a happy birthday and how much I love him. Of course don't forget to tell your loved one to check the newspaper on that day.
--submitted by Pam

Romantic Puzzle Idea
The one I love has the most incredible heart of anyone I've ever met, is remarkably intelligent, and sweet - therefore I had to think of something that would at least make him feel a fraction of the warmness that he makes me feel. So, on his birthday, I went to a toy store and bought a little 12 piece $1.00 children’s puzzle. I then bought a can of black spray paint, and a paint marker, and then a present. I spray painted the puzzle black, and wrote my own message on the puzzle with the paint marker (it lead him to where I was going to hide his birthday present") I then told him to turn around and close his eyes, and disassembled the puzzle and hid various pieces of it in my clothing (underwear, bra, socks, everywhere) and tied two pieces around my wrists with strings. With his eyes shut, I handed him the empty puzzle board and two loose pieces to the puzzle. Then I said, "Open your eyes, but don’t turn around." I gave him a sec or two to examine what he had, and then said "for the rest of the pieces..." (I got him to turn around facing me, and then held up my wrists with the two pieces tied to them) "... Find them." This made him have to search me everywhere for them... and once he got all 12 pieces he assembled the puzzle and discovered where I had hidden his birthday present. I think I had as much fun as he did!
--submitted by Jade

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