169 Romantic Birthday Ideas

Long Distance Birthday Week
Over the course of my partner’s birthday week, I sent the following gifts:
MON: Box of balloons with a teddy
TUE: Box of balloons with a bottle of personalized champagne
WED: Box of balloons with a bunch of flowers
THUR: Box of balloons with a box of fudge
FRI: Box of balloons with a card giving her directions to a jeweler where I had bought a ring for her to go and collect.
She loved it, it was an expensive week, but that’s what true love does to you I guess.
--submitted by Stewart

Love Balloons
Write love coupons on little pieces of paper. Then roll them up and insert each one into a balloon. Next blow up the balloon with the coupon inside and write your birthday or love message to your certain someone. (This idea can be done anytime – no special occasion is needed.) Then tape them to the ceiling or wall. Give them darts, they can win the darts (if you want to expand on the overall game here) or just give the darts to them. Let them pop three balloons, and whatever the coupon says (one free massage, etc.) they receive it! You make up your own game rules but just go out and have fun with it!
--submitted by Michaela

Love Birthday
A few year’s ago for my boyfriend's birthday, I made him a cake from scratch, decorated it and dropped it off at the bar we were going to that evening with friends. When it was time for his cake I went to the bar and asked for the microphone that they had, and sang "happy birthday" to him so the whole restaurant could hear. That night he told me that no one had ever done anything like that for him. He also told me that he was falling in love with me! What a night!
--submitted by Venus

Love Stones
For my boyfriend’s birthday, in addition to buying him gifts, I decided to make him something. I bought some clean polished rocks, a velvet bag, and a permanent marker. I sat and wrote out 28 (age he was turning) different adjectives of why I fell in love with him. I wrote a scroll, that I tied to the bag that said: “To the man who has everything ... here is a reminder of all you possess, inside and out, just in case you ever forget!” He loved it and even got teary eyed.
--submitted by Anonymous

Love for Dad
While my husband was at work. The kids and I snuck up to the parking lot and filled his car with balloons. We also wrote on the windows with washable paint. He was surprised to get off work and come out to his car all decorated. He had a big grin on his face.
--submitted by Anonymous

Love in colours
For my boyfriend's birthday, I took him on a hike at 6:00pm. He actually didn't know where I was taking him, but I took him to the best site to see the sun set. We had a picnic there. Before that he had only kissed me on the cheek, but he even said that he got in such a romantic mood and kissed me on the lips. That was the most memorable moment I've had with my boyfriend.

--submitted by Alison

Loving You Jenga
For my boyfriend's birthday, I created my own version of the Jenga game. I bought a wooden Jenga game and decorated the container with cute wrapping paper and wrote "I love you…" on it. On each block I then wrote a reason why I love him. For ex:"...because you make me feel safe." He absolutely loved it.
--submitted by Jessica

Read this hot story:
Give A Rebus Love Poem

Lunch Break Birthday Surprise
My boyfriend had to work the day of his birthday and he called me to say that he wasn't having a great day. I went and bought a happy birthday banner, some balloons and some other birthday stuff and went down to his work. I told him that I needed his car keys because I had left something in it the night before. I went out to his car and decorated it with all kinds of birthday stuff and placed his presents in the front seat. When he came out a little while later for his lunch break, he opened the car door and saw the birthday banner and everything and saw how much I worked to surprise him. Needless to say, he didn't have a horrible birthday after all!
--submitted by Dunn's Girl

Make Him A Cover Boy
My guy was away on a business trip on his 27th Birthday, so instead of sending the traditional eCard I used my creative mind to created something unique with Paintshop Pro: a magazine cover. First, I took a picture of him and erased the background. Then I transferred the picture of him to a steel blue background. The name I choose for the magazine was “HE MAN.” I mentioned that it was the special 27th anniversary edition, and then wrote the headlines and teaser in the way they do for actual magazine covers. I selected some funny ones like: the 10 best remote controls tested for you, gastronomy: the best beer and chicken combo in the world, etc. At the bottom I mentioned this issue had an exclusive interview with my boyfriend. All I had to do was attach the file to an email, in which I wrote “Congratulations for making the cover of HE MAN.” This was a hit, he LOVED and told me he found it really funny.
--submitted by Cynu

Meaningful Gift
This hasn't happened yet, but will within a month. A girl I really like is turning 21 soon, and she had told me she had never really celebrated her birthday or gotten anything special. Me being a romantic at heart started thinking about what I could do to change that. We have had a lot of ups and downs, even though we are good friends with one intimate, wonderful night in our past. She means a lot to me, she has helped me out a lot and cares a lot for me. So I decided to go through every song in my list of 5000 mp3s and pick out the songs that reminded me of her. I bought a nice notebook and wrote the lyrics of each song in them on one page, and on the next page I wrote a little something explaining why it reminded me of her, or of a time with her. On the cover I am putting little quotes from songs that also mean something, not the whole song. Finally, I put the songs on 2 CDs and made a cover and all to go with it. I have sent it to her parents who live on the other side of the world, where she will be on her birthday. She doesn't have a clue about all this, and I am pretty sure she will be very surprised and it would mean a lot to her.
--submitted by Gambit

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