15 Romantic Essentials List

The key to being the ultimate romantic is being ready and able at the drop of a hat. To attain this "coveted status," it helps to be prepared by always having the romantic essentials at hand. This way, the next time the mood strikes, you can actually act on it! Below is a list of my all-time essential romantic items. Enjoy mi amores!

  1. Candles, candles, candles. In a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Don't forget tea lights for picnics and your car!
  2. Lighter or matches to light candles.
  3. Sexy lingerie for the BOTH of you!
  4. Romantic and comfy lingerie for more intimate moments.
  5. A variety of massage oils to experiment with.
  6. At least five romantic movies, or a list of romantic movies you'd both be willing to rent and watch.
  7. 4 different types of romantic mood CDs or a mix of songs on your android/iPhone (yes, CDS can still be made in 2023!)
  8. A "home-made" guide to romantic destinations in your city. To do this first spend about a month or two researching your city. Visit every place you can imagine. While doing this, keep a journal of the different aspects of each place. For ex. times open, cost of visit, best season to visit, private or public outing, etc. Then import your data onto your computer (into Word or Access) for future reference!
  9. Baby-sitter list of at least five people!
  10. Champagne and champagne glasses.
  11. Picnic basket set.
  12. Warm blanket to cuddle with on picnics or other outings.
  13. List of all the restaurants in your area that deliver, their menus and hours of delivery.
  14. Camera to capture your romantic memories and a photo album to store them in.
  15. ... And what romantic essential list would be complete without… this site?
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