10 Ways to Get Lucky in Love

Whether or not you’ve got Irish blood coursing through your veins, this St. Patrick’s Day you can infuse your lackluster love life with a bit of that infamous Irish luck and a new attitude. If you’re ready to forgo yet one more night eating a microwaveable dinner in front of your computer or tv with the lone companionship of your cat check out these 10 ten tips to help you jump start romance and get lucky in love.

According to Tina Tessina, Ph.D. aka Dr. Romance and author of The 10 Smartest Decisions A Woman Can Make Before 40 and The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again, every day is a new opportunity to find the love you want. Here are some of her suggestions for finding the love of your life this St. Patrick’s Day.

1. Get a life

Get out and do things that interest you. This St. Patrick’s Day make your life as fun and social as you can without a relationship. Create a social network by joining groups that are doing things that interest you. If your life is full of activities you really enjoy, you’ll be more successful at finding a successful relationship.

2. Look for friends

Looking for love is usually a big waste of time — single’s activities, online dating sites and singles bars are all riddled with problems and take you in the wrong direction. Once you develop a life full of social connections, seek to make friends. You’ll get to know all kinds of people, and out of these people someone will soon stand out, and you’ll have the advantage of already knowing each other before you decide you even want to date.

3. Don’t think of a bar as a meat market

While bars are not usually a good venue for finding love (bar patrons tend to make alcohol important in their lives, which is not a good thing for a relationship) get together this St. Patrick’s Day with a group of friends and head to an Irish pub. Now that can be a lot of fun! And you’re more likely to form a relationship with one of your friends than with denizens of the bar.

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3. Use your Irish Blarney

Be positive, upbeat and say nice things about and to people. Thoughtfulness, friendliness and approachability are incredibly attractive characteristics.

4. Pay attention

Making friends who share the same interests gives you a great opportunity to observe the character of the person before you declare your love interest in them.

5. Celebrate your Irish heritage

If you’re of Irish descent, St. Patrick’s’ Day is a great day to capitalize on that. Get in the spirit of the day — wear your prettiest green and use it to enhance your best asset.

6. Don’t seek romance, seek partnership.

This St. Patrick’s Day seek out someone who likes give-and-take, who asks for your opinion and considers it and who cares about what you want, too. Remember to have fun which demonstrates that you’re good company.

7. Don’t be too self-conscious

Look your best, and then forget about it. Instead of worrying what someone thinks of you, focus on what you think of your potential love interest.

8. Do listen

You’ll learn more if you relax - and listen more than you talk.

9. Understand your own needs

Need a lot of space? Want lots of affection? Or are you able to relax and go with the flow? Whatever your style is, it’s okay, but this St. Patrick’s Day know your style it and let yourself communicate it in order to attract the love you want.

10. Open the conversation

Notice who’s around you and what’s interesting or attractive about them. Find an interesting thing about what they’re wearing, and compliment it by saying something like this, “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help noticing your green tie — it looks great on you.” Or, “What an interesting watch! Where did you get it?”

Try this advice! And with a little extra luck, this St. Patrick’s Day could be the day you find your proverbial pot of gold!

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